How much water does garlic need - When should garlic be irrigated?
Garlic is a shallow-rooted plant that requires sufficient water to grow and produce bulbs. As a result, for obtaining maximum yields and high-quality cloves, in most cases, it is necessary to irrigate, despite the relatively drought-tolerant nature of the plants. Of course, water requirements can be different under different weather conditions. Different garlic varieties also have different water requirements. Moreover, garlic planted in autumn has fewer water needs until spring than spring-planted garlic.
In general, the water requirements for garlic during spring are approximately 425 mm. The proper irrigation plan for garlic is to apply 2.5 cm of water (1 inch) per week or every 10 days. In sandy soil or under drought spells, farmers may need to irrigate daily. The amounts of water added should replace up to 130% of the daily evaporation and keep the soil's upper 40-60 cm (16-24 inches) sufficiently and evenly moistened. The most critical stage of garlic plants regarding water needs is from early bulbing until 1 month before harvest. Practical experience and scientific evidence point out that water stress during this period can produce small cloves, irregularly shaped bulbs, and witches-brooming. From then on, when the leaves of the plants start leaning to the ground and die down, farmers usually reduce or even stop irrigation, especially in varieties like the Italian White. Another indication for stopping irrigation is the formation of 2-3 matured scales around the bulbs.
On the other hand, excess water during the bulbing stage can cause cloves to be rotten. Increased water supply and humidity, especially on foliage, may favor disease outbreaks. The garlic farmers should be especially cautious during late spring when there is a high risk for infections from Botrytis.
How to irrigate garlic - Which is the best irrigation system for garlic plants
Depending on the region, garlic plants can be irrigated with furrow irrigation or micro-irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation or sprinklers. However, the most commonly used irrigation system is drip irrigation (surface or sub-surface). This system is preferred because it allows the most precise water control (compared to furrow irrigation), the least risk for disease spread and outbreak (compared to sprinklers), and can increase the yield up to 15-25%.
Further reading:
Garlic Plant information and Variety selection
General information and nutritional value of Garlic
Growing garlic in your backyard
Growing Garlic Commercially – Complete Growing Guide for Garlic from Start to Finish
Soil Requirements, Soil Preparation, and Planting of Garlic
Garlic Water Requirements and Irrigation Systems