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About us

Let’s transform agriculture together

Wikifarmer is a global platform with the mission to empower farmers through educating them and offering them direct access to the commercial markets to sell their products at fair prices.


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What we do


Empowering farmers with knowledge

Our mission is to empower farmers by providing them with open access to expert agricultural knowledge and best practices. We believe that democratizing farming knowledge can promote sustainable agriculture, improve productivity, support farmers in making science-based decisions, and increase their profitability. Higher profitability for farmers means further investment in technology and equipment, which will positively impact the sector and our world in the long term.


A sustainable agroecosystem for global food security

We envision a world where all farmers, regardless of location or available resources, have equal access to valuable agricultural insights and sustainable practices; creating a sustainable agricultural system is central to our purpose. By helping farmers learn modern and sustainable best practices that benefit the environment, we aim to drive progress toward a more sustainable agricultural world.

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Most farmers in the world still cultivate their fields with techniques learned by experience or taught by their ancestors, leading to non-optimum practices in terms of yield and environmental impact. As a result, we decided to publish thousands of articles with agricultural best practices and how-to guides with the contribution of thousands of farmers, agronomists, and experts, making all the material freely accessible to all farmers in the world in more than 17 language versions. At the same time, we aim to help scientists disseminate their work and bring them closer to the practitioners.

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