14 Interesting Facts about Blueberries


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2 min read
14 Interesting Facts about Blueberries
  1. Blueberries, belonging to the Vaccinium genus, comprise a group of over 35 species native to North America. In the Ericaceae family, which includes blueberries, there's another berry known as the bilberry.
  2. The cultivation of blueberries began in the early 1900s, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Elizabeth White and botanist Frederick Coville.
  3. Blueberries were indigenous to North America and have been a part of the continent's ecosystem for a remarkable 13,000 years.
  4. Countries in the Southern Hemisphere have significantly contributed to global blueberry production growth, accounting for nearly 40% of the increase.
  5. The primary blueberry-producing countries include the United States, Canada, Chile, France, Peru, Spain, Mexico, and Poland.
  6. A single blueberry bush can yield as many as 6,000 blueberries annually.
  7. In 2018, Lima, Peru, earned the Guinness World Record for the heaviest blueberry ever grown, weighing 11.28 grams (0.4 ounces) and 1.35 inches in diameter.
  8. Consuming blueberries has various health benefits, including a reduced risk of cancer, improved insulin response, and lowered blood pressure.
  9. Blueberries ranked at the top position in terms of antioxidant health benefits compared to over 40 fresh fruits and vegetables.
  10. Research conducted in collaboration between the University of East Anglia and Harvard University discovered that consuming one cup of blueberries per day enhances cardiovascular health.
  11. A single cup of blueberries provides 24 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
  12. One distinctive feature of blueberries is their natural blue color, attributed to the pigment anthocyanin, contributing to their remarkable health benefits.
  13. Blueberries also contain copper, beta-carotene, folate, choline, vitamins A and E, and manganese.
  14. Individuals taking blood-thinning medications like warfarin should consult their healthcare provider before significantly increasing their blueberry consumption due to the high vitamin K content, which can affect blood clotting.

Learn more information about blueberries.

Uses, Nutritional value and Health benefits of Blueberries


Further reading

14 Interesting Facts about Blueberries

Uses, Nutritional value and Health Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries vs. Bilberries- Are blueberries and bilberries the same thing?

Blueberry Plant Information-How to Identify Blueberry Plants

Blueberry Soil Conditions and Site Selection

How to Cultivate Blueberries Professionally

Blueberries Propagation and Pollination

Blueberry Water Needs and Irrigation Methods

Essential Blueberry Fertilization Guide: Nutrients, Schedules, and Best Practices

How to Prune Blueberries

Blueberries Pests, Diseases, and Weed Management

Blueberries Harvest, Yield, and Storage