- Over the past 25 years, there has been a 200% increase in US Broccoli production.
- Despite being a famous lover of burgers, US President Barack Obama, when asked by a child about his favorite food, answered Broccoli without hesitation.
- A decade ago, broccoli used to be strictly a cool-season vegetable, but contemporary broccoli hybrids allow farmers to seed nearly all year round in some areas.
- The scientific name of Broccoli is Brassica oleracea var. italica
- When we eat Broccoli, we eat a premature flower.
- Most experts believe that Broccoli originated in Italy.
- Ancient Greeks and Romans used to consume Broccoli regularly.
- Name “broccoli '' derives from the Italian Broccolo.
- China, India, Spain, Mexico, and the United States are the largest broccoli producers.
- Broccoli is a source of various nutrients and vitamins (K and C).
- Most varieties are ready for harvest 60-90 days after transplant.
- Broccoli can be consumed raw in salads or boiled as part of soups
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