Panagiotis Vlachogiannis
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My name is Panagiotis (Pano) Vlachogiannis. In this series of articles, I would like to introduce you to a different type of agriculture than the one you are used to reading in Wikifarmer. It will be just as exciting, though! Enter Cellular agriculture! I will share what inspired my passion for the alternative protein space and an introduction to this fascinating field. My journey in the protein transition started when I was writing my first MSc thesis, back in 2018 in Athens, Greece. Then I aspired to become an animal nutritionist, and my topic was related to technological innovation in handling dairy cows. While researching agricultural innovations, especially cattle-related ones, I read Dr. Mark Post's famous paper on cultivated meat. He was the first to dream of a burger made from lab-grown meat! I could see such innovations only in science fiction novels by Isaac Asimov, such as i-Robot. Reading a published scientific paper on this technology blew my mind. I have always loved eating meat. My culture as a Greek is around flaming hot BBQs and sharing tasty vegan, vegetarian, and meat dishes. Finding new ways for farming and the farmers themselves to become more sustainable was always something I was trying to implement. So, the idea of cultivating the meat from animal cells transitioned the idiom "have your cake and eat it too" to the more appropriate "have your cow and eat it too". Trademark protected!