Surface disinfection of eggshells with the use of a novel low-cost, chemical-free, non-thermal, nanotechnology-based approach while preserving quality.
The safety of hen eggs is essential to reducing the risk of foodborne illness for consumers, as they play a significant role in the human diet. Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhi), Escherichia coli (E. coli), Alcaligenes spp., Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Proteus spp., and Listeria monocytogenes are just a few of the pathogens that can be found in eggs (1). These microorganisms can contaminate eggs during production, processing, preparation, and packaging (2;3). To protect public health and stop the spread of foodborne illnesses, it is crucial to address the food safety hazards connected to the hen egg lifecycle, from farm to table.
Eggs are frequently cleaned in hot water containing sanitisers before being processed commercially in several nations (4; 5). The pathogenic microbe load on the eggshell surface can be decreased by 1 to 6 log units (6) by washing the eggs. Nonetheless, it was shown that 8.3% of cleaned eggs were still contaminated with Salmonella spp (7). Chemical residues on eggshells and possible harm to the cuticle, a natural physical barrier shielding the contents of eggs from invasive organisms, are side effects of washing (8; 9; 10). Environmental issues associated with the egg-washing process include the use of a lot of water and the production of a significant volume of waste that is chemically polluted (11; 12).
Another method used in industry is decontaminating egg surfaces with hot air. This method is quick, easy, and effective in inactivating microorganisms, but it can also result in eggshell cracking, denaturation of proteins, and the formation of gel networks (13; 14; 5). Because of the stated drawbacks associated with thermal treatment techniques and egg surface washing, the introduction of chemical-free and non-thermal approaches could be advantageous for egg production industries (11; 15). Currently, alternative methods that have been reported include ozone, irradiation, UV light, pulsed light, electrolysed water, and non-thermal atmospheric plasma treatments. These methods achieve microbial inactivation, but they are dependent on dosage/level, and pH sensitivity.
Engineered Water Nanostructures (EWNS) are a unique antibacterial platform that is low-cost, chemical-free, and based on nanotechnology. It has recently been introduced for use in the food industry. This approach depends on combining electrospraying and ionising to produce EWNS (18; 19). The spray liquid (water) is aerosolised by creating a strong electric field between a counter electrode and a metal capillary. At the same time, some water and air molecules, particularly oxygen, split and lose electrons (ionisation) due to the high electric field, and consequently a large number of reactive oxygen species (ROS), primarily hydroxyl and superoxide radicals are formed. The concurrently generated ROS, with a nanosecond’s lifespan, is embedded in the droplets, which are responsible for EWNS oxidising and biocidal properties (20; 18; 21). Figure 1 depicts the device's schematic for producing the EWNS. The system includes an egg holder, syringe pumps, counter electrode, high voltage power source, and enough emitters/injectors (16 total) to cover half of an egg with the EWNS.
Figure 1. The device's schematic for producing the EWNS (22).
According to the results of Zhang, L., et al., 2024, an effective reduction of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella can be achieved by treating the egg surface with the nano-sized droplets generated through electrospray. After five minutes of exposure time using the EWNS approach, an electric field intensity of 9.0 kV/cm and a water flow rate of 1 μL/min/needle resulted in an 80.4% and 97.6% inactivation efficiency for E. coli and Salmonella, respectively. Furthermore, the physical, chemical, and eggshell cuticle coverage of the treated eggs did not differ significantly from those of the control (unwashed) eggs, indicating that the EWNS treatment had no negative effects on the egg quality metrics that were assessed (22).
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