Pig Raising Basics – Introduction to Raising Pigs
Similarly to any other livestock activity, if you possess the triangle “Land – Time – Energy”, then you can feel the joy of raising your own pigs in your backyard, whether you plan to raise them as pets or for their meat. Raising pigs can be a major source of enthusiasm, joy and income if done rationally and on a scalable basis. The first year of involvement is introductory and one can make the necessary first steps, trial and error as well as projections for a bigger investment (in time and money) for the second year to come. Some pig owners claim that pig is the fifth or sixth most intelligent animal (smarter than dog). Of course, such an index does not exist and could not be scientifically accurate. However, pig is indeed a very intelligent animal that needs care as well as a pleasant and clean environment in order to thrive and live healthy. Pig is also a very social animal that lives in a herd. A common mistake of inexperienced farmers is that they often start raising just one pig. In most cases, the pig will end up on a depression, suffering from various health problems due to immobility. Consequently, it is good to start our “pig raising” journey by purchasing at least 3 piglets. Needless to say that commitment is the number one skill you must have. Pigs or any other livestock cannot be left unattended for over a day. Thus, if you consider leaving let’s say for a weekend, you must find a reliable farm sitter to take care of your livestock. Managing livestock means caring, monitoring, feeding, cleaning, and troubleshooting 365 days a year.
1.) How to raise Pigs
2.) Housing Pigs - Designing the Pig Farm
5.) Pigs Health, Diseases & Symptoms