Lentil Nutrient Needs & Fertilizer Requirements


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7 min read
Lentil Nutrient Needs & Fertilizer Requirements

Lentils (Lens culinaris) are a key leguminous crop with unique nutritional needs and fertilizer requirements that, when managed appropriately, lead to improved yields, quality, and soil health. Their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen sets them apart from many other crops. However, their nutrient demands must still be met for optimal growth, particularly for phosphorus, potassium, and specific micronutrients. The following is a detailed breakdown of lentil nutrient needs and fertilizer management strategies, enriched by insights from recent studies on sustainable practices and fertilization.

Soil Analysis and Fertilization Timing

Successful fertilization programs in lentil cultivation rely on the soil analysis results. Detailed soil tests can be used to identify the nutrient status of the soil, including pH, organic matter, and levels of macronutrients and micronutrients. Lentils perform best in slightly acidic to neutral soils (pH 6.0-7.5), as this range promotes the best availability of critical nutrients like phosphorus and micronutrients​.

Fertilizer application timing is equally critical. Pre-planting applications of phosphorus and minimal nitrogen help establish healthy seedlings, while potassium is typically applied during the vegetative and reproductive phases. Micronutrients, such as zinc and boron, can be applied as foliar sprays during flowering to enhance reproductive success and yield​.

Every field is unique, and conducting a thorough soil analysis is crucial before implementing any fertilization strategy. Soil conditions can vary significantly due to factors such as previous cropping history, organic matter content, and local environmental conditions. Therefore, these common practices should not be implemented without doing your own research, as no two fields are the same.

Fertility Management

Tillage and Direct Seeding

Minimal tillage practices, which leave more crop residues on the soil surface, result in slower organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling. In direct seeding systems, nitrogen contained in crop residues is immobilized for a longer period, potentially limiting its availability to subsequent crops. This nitrogen limitation, however, is less problematic in lentils, as they rely on biological nitrogen fixation when properly inoculated with Rhizobium bacteria​.

Pre-sowing fertilization

Spring banding is considered the most efficient method for applying fertilizer to lentil crops. It minimizes the availability of fertilizer for weed growth, especially when the fertilizer is placed close to the seed. However, it's crucial not to compromise seed placement for fertilizer placement, as proper seeding depth and good soil-to-seed contact are essential for successful germination.

In heavy clay soils, soil lumping may reduce the separation between seed and fertilizer, and high seeding speeds can collapse the banding trenches, affecting this separation. Applying too much seed-placed fertilizer can harm crop emergence, cause significant crop damage, and potentially delay maturity. Research indicates that when using double disc openers, the maximum recommended rate for seed-placed phosphorus is 30 lb./acre (33.62 kg/ha) of P₂O₅.

The appropriate rate of fertilizer that can be safely placed with the seed depends on various factors, including soil moisture conditions, row width, the width of spread, soil texture, and the type of fertilizer used; generally, higher moisture levels allow for a greater amount of seed-placed fertilizer. Additionally, the configuration of the seeding tool influences Seedbed Utilization (SBU)—wider row spacings can lead to reduced seedling emergence and yield losses. At the same time, narrower spread patterns also have negative effects. A higher percentage of Seedbed Utilization allows for more fertilizer to be placed alongside the seed, enhancing crop performance.

Lentil Fertilization Requirements


As a legume, lentils have a symbiotic relationship with Rhizobium bacteria, specifically Rhizobium leguminosarum, enabling them to fix atmospheric nitrogen. This biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) significantly reduces the need for nitrogen fertilizers compared to non-leguminous crops. However, minimal nitrogen applications during the early stages of growth can promote seedling development, especially in soils with low organic matter. During the first two weeks after emergence, plants may exhibit pale green leaves due to a temporary nitrogen deficiency, known as the "period of N starvation." 

For soils with less than 35 lbs. N/ac (39 kg N/ha), nitrogen fixation provides the majority of lentil's nitrogen requirements, with the remaining coming from soil reserves. In fields with very low soil nitrate levels (less than 10 lbs./ac or 11.20 kg/ha), starter nitrogen applied in the seedrow or side-banded may be necessary to overcome early-season deficiencies. However, care must be taken, as lentils are sensitive to seed-placed nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen found in Monoammonium Phosphate (MAP)  may be enough as the starter nitrogen needed to promote early growth. In fields where lentils have never been grown before, starter nitrogen may be beneficial. Soils with high nitrogen levels prior to planting are unsuitable for lentil production, and mid-season nitrogen applications are generally discouraged unless there's a clear deficiency from failed inoculation. Over-fertilization, particularly with nitrogen, can hinder lentils' natural nitrogen-fixing ability, leading to reduced nodule formation and environmental harm. It can result in rank growth and delayed maturity, ultimately reducing yields.


Phosphorus (P) is vital in lentils' root development, nodulation, and nitrogen fixation. Deficiencies in phosphorus can lead to reduced root mass, poor nodulation, and a decline in nitrogen fixation efficiency. This nutrient also drives key metabolic processes, including energy transfer and photosynthesis, which are critical during the flowering and pod-filling stages. A 180 lbs/ac (201.75 kg/ha) lentil production needs up to 2.2 to 2.7 lbs. P₂O₅/ac (2.4 to 3.02 kg P₂O₅/ha), while 1.7 to 2.0 lbs./ac (1.9 to 2.24 kg/ha) is removed from the field in the seed.

Phosphorus is typically applied as superphosphate. Soil testing low in available P may show an early-season response to P fertilization but may not show a yield response.  Phosphorus application can improve stress tolerance, especially in low phosphorus or cool, wet conditions, even if yield increases aren't always observed. The maximum safe rate of seed-placed P is 20 lbs. P₂O₅/ac (22.41 kg P₂O₅/ha) under good soil conditions. If potassium (K) is applied alongside phosphorus fertilizer, the total amount of phosphorus and potassium should not exceed the safe rates for seed-placed phosphorus. If higher levels of phosphorus fertilizer are necessary, they should be side-banded to avoid direct contact with the seed. This early phosphorus application is particularly important in phosphorus-deficient soils, where it can significantly support root and nodule formation and mitigate growth delays.


Potassium is another essential macronutrient for lentils. It contributes to the regulation of water uptake, enzyme activation, and disease resistance. Adequate potassium levels strengthen plant cell walls, improve drought tolerance, and enhance the plant's ability to withstand stress, including disease pressure. A 180 lbs/ac (201.75 kg/ha) lentil crop takes up 6.9 to 8.4 lbs/ac (7.73 to 9.41 kg/ha) K₂O while removing 2.9 to 3.6 lbs/ac. K₂O (3.25 to 4.03 kg/ha).

Most soils typically have sufficient potassium reserves; however, deficiencies may be found in sandy soils. If potassium is applied, care must be taken to ensure that seed-placed potassium and phosphorus do not exceed recommended rates due to potassium's high salt index, which can harm germination and stand establishment. It is advisable to sideband potassium fertilizers to avoid direct contact with the seed, especially during the vegetative and reproductive stages when potassium demands are high.

Lentil Micronutrient Needs 

Although micronutrients are required in small quantities, they are critical for lentil health and productivity. Deficiencies in elements like zinc, iron, and molybdenum can have detrimental effects on plant growth. Zinc is particularly important for enzyme function and protein synthesis, while molybdenum supports nitrogen fixation by enhancing enzyme activity in root nodules. Micronutrient deficiencies have not been widely identified as a problem in lentil-growing areas of Western Canada. However, if a deficiency is suspected, it is advisable to work with an agronomist to diagnose the issue accurately.

Micronutrient deficiencies are often addressed through foliar applications or soil amendments. Recent studies recommend including zinc and boron in fertilization programs to boost yield and improve overall plant health. Boron plays a key role in cell wall formation and reproductive processes, while iron is essential for chlorophyll synthesis. It is crucial to monitor the overall health of the lentil crop, as stressed growth symptoms can sometimes mimic micronutrient deficiency symptoms.

Integrated Fertilization Approaches

Lentil cultivation benefits from organic and microbial fertilizers, enhancing soil health and nutrient availability. Organic fertilizers, such as compost and manure, improve long-term soil quality by increasing organic matter and promoting microbial activity, leading to better water retention and nutrient retention over time. Microbial fertilizers containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria like Rhizobium and phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria further support plant growth by improving nutrient uptake and enhancing natural nitrogen fixation and phosphorus mobilization.

An integrated fertilization approach that combines organic and inorganic sources is essential for sustainable lentil farming. This strategy allows farmers to address immediate nutrient deficiencies with chemical fertilizers while enriching the soil with organic matter through organic amendments. Additionally, green manuring is another effective practice, especially in rotation with lentils. Growing legume cover crops before planting lentils helps to increase soil organic matter and boost nitrogen levels, benefiting both the current and subsequent crops. This practice enhances soil structure, reduces erosion, and improves the water-holding capacity of the soil​.


Learn more about lentil cultivation