Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions for Boosting Efficiency and Sustainability in Agriculture


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Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions for Boosting Efficiency and Sustainability in Agriculture

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)

The term “IoT”, or Internet of Things, refers to a global network of interconnected devices that can collect and exchange data in real-time using embedded sensors. The concept of IoT first emerged in a speech by Peter T. Lewis in 1985, and the term itself was first introduced in 1999 by a British visionary, Kevin Ashton. The term "thing" can describe a wide variety of items, from a smart home device (like a television or a security camera) to a person with a heart implant. IoT applications include smart homes and cities, healthcare, agriculture, logistics, the manufacturing industry, and more.

Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture

Agriculture is one of the sectors anticipated to be highly impacted by IoT advancements. Smart agriculture is mainly used to distinguish the application of IoT solutions in agriculture. The adoption of IoT solutions for agriculture is constantly growing. Smart Agriculture practices aim to help farmers worldwide monitor crop fields using sensors, drones, robots, and smart devices that can collect and analyze data to improve agricultural practices. All these devices are connected to the IoT, and along with the use of AI technologies, analysis of IoT data ("Big Data") can be used to automate processes, predict situations, and improve many activities, even in real time.

How IoT is used in Agriculture - Applications & Examples

The IoT has many examples and applications in agriculture. The most important ones are listed below.

Precision Farming

Precision agriculture (or precision farming) uses IoT technology to enhance efficiency and productivity in agricultural processes. Farmers can gather detailed data on field conditions by deploying IoT sensors, including light, temperature, soil quality, humidity, CO2 levels, and pest activity. Collecting these real-time data allows farmers to make accurate, data-driven decisions, optimizing water use, energy consumption, and the application of fertilizers and pesticides. As a result, precision agriculture not only reduces costs but also improves crop health and yields, making it one of the most effective applications of IoT in agriculture (1). Additionally, it promotes environmental sustainability by optimizing the use of water, energy, and other inputs, thus minimizing environmental impact. Precision farming also supports climate-smart agriculture by implementing practices that are resilient to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (5).

Crop Management

Crop Monitoring: Sensors placed throughout the farm/field monitor crops for changes in light intensity, humidity, temperature, and physical characteristics. These sensors detect anomalies, analyze the data, and notify farmers, helping prevent disease spread and track crop growth remotely.

Soil Quality: Soil health analysis determines nutrient levels, dryness, drainage capacity, and acidity. This information allows for optimal irrigation program planning and the best crop/variety selection. Additionally, it supports regenerative agriculture by providing insights on enhancing organic matter and soil structure for climate-smart practices.

Weather Conditions: Sensors collect data related to humidity, temperature, moisture, precipitation, and dew, helping to predict weather patterns. This information guides farmers in selecting suitable crops for cultivation based on expected conditions and the microclimate of their region.

Livestock Management

Livestock management benefits significantly from IoT technology. Such technologies can optimize the environment for animals, ensuring welfare and good productivity even in extreme climate conditions. IoT sensors attached to farm animals (cattle, poultry, pig)  monitor their health, behavior, and physical location. These sensors help detect sick animals early, allowing farmers to isolate them and prevent disease spread, reducing at the same time the use of drugs. IoT in livestock management also includes field monitoring for optimal feeding practices, using wireless sensors for tracking and monitoring odours and hazardous gases, and ensuring a healthier and more efficient farming operation (2,3).

Greenhouse automation

Greenhouse automation uses IoT technology to enhance precision and efficiency in the control of environmental conditions. IoT sensors provide real-time lighting, temperature, soil condition, and humidity data. Weather stations and automated systems adjust these conditions to optimal levels, based on collected data. This is essential due to the significant climate variability within greenhouses, which can impact plant productivity. Agricultural-cloud IoT solutions facilitate rapid, cost-effective data analysis, enabling informed decision-making and efficient resource use. These systems often incorporate remote monitoring and meta-processing, helping farmers optimize irrigation and other critical processes for improved crop health and yield (4).

What are the main challenges of IoT in Agriculture?

Implementing IoT in agriculture presents several challenges that farmers must address before adopting. One major obstacle is the significant financial cost associated with IoT-enabled sensors across large agricultural areas. This includes expenses for hardware purchase, software installation, system operation, energy consumption, maintenance, and workforce. Moreover, IoT devices installed outdoors are exposed to harsh environmental conditions, which can lead to mechanical failures, increasing the cost even more. Therefore, manufacturers must prioritize using durable materials to ensure the longevity and reliability of IoT devices in agricultural settings.

Furthermore, global efforts are needed to improve farmers' technological literacy and understanding of IoT applications in farming to ensure they effectively utilize these systems. Data privacy and security concerns also pose significant barriers to large-scale implementation, as cyber attackers could exploit vulnerabilities in cloud-stored data, potentially disrupting farming processes and productivity. To address this, farmers and policymakers must prioritize implementing reliable encryption systems such as multiparty computation and blockchain integration. Also, many farms in rural areas have limited internet connectivity, making it challenging to deploy and maintain IoT devices and systems. Finally, government policymakers also play a crucial role in formulating economic policies to support farmers in adopting IoT technology to improve farmland productivity.

Embracing  IoT in Agriculture

Technology is rapidly advancing in favor of agriculture, offering innovative solutions that help increase yields, promote sustainability, and optimize input usage to reduce costs. Farmers must stay current with new technologies like IoT to enhance their efficiency and productivity. Farmers must stay informed and up-to-date with the latest technological developments to remain competitive and benefit from these advancements. Continuous education, familiarity with modern equipment, and access to proper instructional materials are essential for successfully integrating these technologies into their operations.


  1. Tzounis, A., Katsoulas, N., Bartzanas, T., & Kittas, C. (2017). Internet of Things in agriculture, recent advances and future challenges. Biosystems engineering, 164, 31-48.
  2. Bhargava, K., Ivanov, S., & Donnelly, W. (2015, September). Internet of nano things for dairy farming. In Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (pp. 1-2).
  3. Corkery, G., Ward, S., Kenny, C., & Hemmingway, P. (2013). Monitoring environmental parameters in poultry production facilities. In Computer Aided Process Engineering, CAPE Forum 2013, Graz University of Technology, Austria, 7-10 April 2013. Institute for Process and Particle Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
  4. Ferentinos, K. P., Katsoulas, N., Tzounis, A., Kittas, C., & Bartzanas, T. (2014, August). A climate control methodology based on wireless sensor networks in greenhouses. In XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): 1107 (pp. 75-82).
  5. Piramuthu, S. (2022). IoT, Environmental Sustainability, Agricultural Supply Chains. Procedia Computer Science, 204, 811-816.
  6. Rajak, P., Ganguly, A., Adhikary, S., & Bhattacharya, S. (2023). Internet of Things and smart sensors in agriculture: Scopes and challenges. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 14, 100776.

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