German Chamomile Weed Control


Editorial team

2 min read
German Chamomile Weed Control

German Chamomile Weed Management

Unfortunately, German Chamomile plants often suffer from weeds, which compete with them in terms of space, access to sunlight, water and nutrients. The presence of weeds will have a negative effect in the quantity of fresh plant material harvested as well as in the quantity and quality of essential oil. The presence of weeds at critical stages of plant development can reduce the essential oil yield by 30-40%.

It is necessary for all chamomile growers to have a sound weed control strategy, which may differ significantly between countries, law framework, means of production, industry to which the product is intended etc. Growers shall be extremely careful when applying herbicides, because the chamomile plants attract honeybees and other beneficial insects (ask a licensed agronomist).

The first measures against weeds are taken with the first tillage, well before planting the seedlings or direct seeding in the field. Many commercial chamomile growers believe that at least two hand weeding sessions are necessary, the first 6 weeks and the second 12 weeks after direct seeding. We must always be proactive and not let any weeds produce and disperse their seeds in the field.

You can enrich this article by leaving a comment or photo of your chamomile farm weed management methods.

1.) German Chamomile Plant Info & Uses

2.) How to grow German Chamomile at home

3.) Growing German Chamomile for Profit

4.) German Chamomile Growing Conditions

5.) Growing German Chamomile from Seed and Planting

6.) German Chamomile Water Requirements

7.) German Chamomile Fertilizer Requirements

8.) German Chamomile Weed Control

9.) German Chamomile Harvest

10.) German Chamomile Essential Oil Yield

11.) Q&As German Chamomile

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