How to Propagate Almond Trees
As it happens in many other popular fruit trees, the almond tree is propagated by budding. Professional almond growers benefit from a tree that is a combination of two different plant tissues, the rootstock and the scion. The rootstock is the lower part of the tree and produces the root system. The rootstock may not be an almond tree, as peach rootstocks are often used nowadays. The rootstock’s resistance to soil borne diseases (Verticillium wilt) is extremely important. On the other hand, the scion produces the upper part of the tree and of course determines fruit’s characteristics. Thus, almond tree is propagated by T budding over seedlings or clones aged 1-2 years. T budding can be performed from early spring to autumn, but most farmers proceed in this operation during the summer.
The rootstocks that are used are peach, almond and some hybrid seedlings. Farmers often use seeds of bitter almonds or various commercial varieties of almond and peach. Peach seedlings are used as rootstocks in well irrigated intensive commercial orchards. The average almond tree with peach rootstock grows quickly and vigorously at the early age, comes into fruition much earlier and is generally more productive during the first two decades than the average tree with almond rootstock. Almond seedlings are used as rootstocks in non-irrigated almond orchards, as they have been found to be more draught resistant than peach seedlings.
You can enrich this article by leaving a comment or photo of your almond orchard propagation methods.
2.) How to grow an Almond Tree from seed
3.) Growing Almond Trees for Profit
4.) Almond Tree Climate Requirements
5.) Almond Tree Soil Requirements & Preparation
6.) Almond Tree Propagation
8.) Planting Almond Trees - Number of Almonds Trees per hectare and acre
10.) Almond Tree Water Requirements
11.) Almond Tree Fertilization
12.) Almond Tree Harvest & Yield
13.) Almond Tree Pests and Diseases
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