Alfalfa Fertilizer Requirements


Editorial team

2 min read
Alfalfa Fertilizer Requirements

Alfalfa Fertilization


Alfalfa gets adequate nitrogen supply from its symbiotic relationship with nitrogen fixing Rhizobium bacteria. The average hectare of alfalfa will fix about 1100 lbs. (500 kg) of nitrogen per year. (Keep in mind that 1 ton = 1000 kg = 2.200 lbs. and 1 hectare = 2,47 acres = 10.000 square meters.) Consequently, there is little need to apply nitrogen fertilizers in most cases. However, alfalfa plants usually suffer from phosphorus deficiencies. The most common symptom of phosphorus deficiency is underdeveloped roots and leaves that turn blue green. Many farmers add phosphorus to the field during sowing, while others prefer to add 350 lbs. (160 kg) of P2O5 per hectare once a year, most often during the end of winter (January-February). Many farmers also add manure to the soil just before sowing and then every 2-3 cuts, especially during the 2rd and the 3th year of the crop.

However, these are just some common patterns and should not be followed without making your own research. Every field is different and has different needs. It is beneficial to test your soil at least once a year, and take corrective actions after consulting an expert.

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1.) Alfalfa Uses & General Info

2.) Alfalfa Plant Information

3.) How to grow Alfalfa

4.) Alfalfa Soil Requirements - Variety Selection - Weed Management

5.) Sowing and Seeding Rate of Alfalfa

6.) Alfalfa Fertilizer Requirements

7.) Alfalfa Water Requirements

8.) Alfalfa Harvest & Yield per Acre

9.) Alfalfa Crop Rotation

10.) Q&As Alfalfa

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