Chia Shaphan Yong
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Shaphan Yong Chia (S.Y. CHIA) is an Entomologist, specialised in Edible Insects and their nutritional potential in diets. He holds a PhD in Entomology and his research interests are rooted in edible insects and livestock feed production, valorisation of residual streams from insect production, insect-plant interactions and soil microbial ecology. During his PhD research, Shaphan worked on a project (ILIPA) funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research that assessed the potential of black soldier fly larvae in commercial production of a low-cost, high-quality protein source (http://www.icipe.org/research/plant-health/insect-food-and-feed/projects/ilipa-improving-livelihood-increasing-livestock). Currently, Shaphan works as Postdoctoral Researcher at Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands (https://www.wur.nl/en/Persons/Shaphan-dr.-SY-Shaphan-Chia.htm). His research integrates insect production with crop production and host-plant resistance to insect herbivores. Through insect farming, Shaphan's research aims to connect crop and livestock production and aims to be at the forefront of this industry, expanding the toolbox for insect production for food and feed as well as the sustainable management of residues (as biofertilizers) resulting from insect production. His research is founded on the application of ecological and nutritional principles to the development of novel technologies and the formation of community-based partnerships to increase adoption.