Cauliflower may not be as famous for its health benefits, as broccoli is; however, it offers various beneficial nutrients to the human body. Cauliflower provides the human body with essential nutrients that boost our immune system and help us remain fit and healthy. It is recommended for people who want to lose weight, as it is a low-calorie food.
Cauliflower Nutrition Data:
According to USDA, 100 gr of raw Cauliflower contain:
Water: 92.07g
Energy: 25kcal
Protein: 1.92g
Total lipid (fat): 0.28g
Folate (total): 57μg
Carbohydrate: 4.97g
Sugars: 1.91g
Fiber: 2g
Ca: 22mg
K: 299mg
P: 44mg
Mg: 15mg
Fe: 0.42mg
Na: 30mg
Zn: 0.27mg
Vitamin B6: 0.184mg
Vitamin K: 15.5μg
Vitamin C: 48.2mg
Niacin: 0.507mg
According to studies, regular consumption of cauliflower may:
Have Anti-Cancer Properties
Cruciferous vegetables contain several antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances able to boost the human body’s protection against cancer. Especially sulforaphane has been studied for its ability to inhibit the enzyme histone deacetylase (HDAC), which participates in cancer cell formation. Moreover, folate seems to have a protective action against breast and other types of cancer.
Boosts Heart
According to a study from the University of Kentucky, a diet rich in fiber could possibly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Fiber seems to have a positive effect on lowering cholesterol and blood pressure levels. The high Potassium content of cauliflower offers additional help in blood pressure control.
Improves Digestion
Cauliflower has high fiber content and boosts bowel function, leading to a healthy digestive system.
Helps in Weight Loss
100gr of cauliflower provides just 25 kcal and 2g of fiber. Cauliflower is rich in fiber and can help us feel full of energy for more extended periods. Thus, it may help us reduce the amount of food we need to consume.