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जैतून का तेल उत्पादन चरण


की संपादकीय टीम

6 मिनट पढ़ें
जैतून का तेल उत्पादन चरण

The process of oil extraction refers to all the treatments in which the olive fruit is subjected to the purpose of making the final product , olive oil . From the transportation of the olive tree to the olive mill to the receipt of the final product , we would face the following stages are :

  • Obtaining olive fruit _ _
  • autumn
  • wash
  • crushing _ _ _
  • soften up 
  • Separate olive oil from olive paste _ _ _
  • final parting

Obtaining olive fruit _ _

As is clear , the olive fruit must be confined to the minimum possible time in the olive mill before processing to avoid any deterioration . _ _


In general , it is imperative to remove the leaves because when they are crushed with the fruit , the quality of the olive oil deteriorates . _ For example , it acquires a bitter taste , while at the same time a large amount of chlorophyll is present _ _ Enhances the oxidation of fatty substance through photooxidation . _ _ However , according to recent research , it has been found that the presence of a small number of leaves ( about 3 %) not only does not harm but can have a positive effect on the final product . More In particular , it enriches olive oil with phenols , which act as antioxidants , increasing the resistance to oxidation in the absence of light . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Washing is certainly an essential process , as it removes foreign material ( such as soil ) and pesticide residues . _ _ _ _ _ Unfortunately , these residues are present in the fruit , due to improper pre - harvest spraying , and recommended _ _ _ _ Due to not respecting the minimum time since last spraying . _ _


crushing _ _ _

This is the first main stage of olive fruit processing . In classic olive mills , smashing takes place in olive mills .

Of course , in most areas the classic oil mills have been almost completely replaced by centrifugal mills . _ In these , as well as in the advanced classical type , metal crushers ( hammer mills ) are used .

These metal crushers have advantages over oil mills , as they are small in size and cost , have high efficiency , and are easy to clean . _ However , their main disadvantage is that olive oil is often full of traces of metals . _ _

crushing (grinding)

A general principle is that the crushing should be done in low speed machines , because in the case of high speed , the temperature of the olive paste also increases , resulting in the formation of emulsions .

soften up 

This is the most basic stage , as it is through this that the oil droplets merge into larger drops of olive oil . This combination is particularly important for the subsequent separation of olive oil from vegetable liquids . _ _ _ _ If kneading time is increased _ _ , then emulsions are formed and so this separation becomes difficult . _

soften up 

To limit loss in aroma , but also to initiate oxidative rancidity , contact of olive paste with oxygen should also be avoided . _ _ _ _ _ _ Furthermore , it is also possible that a small amount of air may be trapped in the product even after storage , ie cause oxidation during _ _ _ Also , it is important to avoid temperatures above 27 ° C , as otherwise the volatiles are destroyed , while an unwanted red color is also created . _ Softening in a nitrogen atmosphere increases the concentration of antioxidants .

The cold pressing technique ( temperatures below 27 ° C ) helps preserve both the nutrients ( such as vitamin E ) and the organoleptic characteristics of the final product .

Separate olive oil from olive paste _ _ _

This can be done by : _

  • Press
  • centrifugal
  • the leak

Each method is characterized by specific comparative advantages and disadvantages . Pressing as a separation method is characterized by its low cost and the energy economy it provides . _ _ _ At the same time , at the end of the process , only a little moisture and olive oil in the olive core A small percentage remains . _ However , this is not a continuous process , it involves high labor cost and the oil paste that remains in the scortin and as a result , spoilage of the final olive oil . _

The main advantages of the centrifuge - Wikipedia are its automatic operation and the absence of the scortins mentioned above ( hence , degradation is avoided ) . However , the cost of the centrifuge - Wikipedia is quite high and as a process , it is energy intensive . Furthermore , when very _ If more water is used , the phenols are lost and when higher temperatures are applied , the aromatics are lost . _ _ _ _ Finally , olive kernels retain a large percentage of moisture . _ _ _ _

जब टपकन को एक पृथक्करण विधि के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है, तो जैतून के फल के सुगंधित और फेनोलिक घटक अंतिम उत्पाद (जैतून का तेल) में चले जाते हैं। इस विशेष पद्धति का एक अन्य लाभ यह तथ्य है कि यह पूरी तरह से स्वचालित तरीके से काम करता है। हालाँकि, यह अधिक समय लेने वाली प्रक्रिया है, क्योंकि जैतून के तेल की पूरी मात्रा को इकट्ठा करने के लिए अपकेंद्रित्र - विकिपीडिया की भी आवश्यकता होती है। अंत में, उपकरण में ब्लेड का अस्तित्व इसे साफ करना अधिक कठिन बना देता है, जबकि मशीन की बड़ी सतहें ऑक्सीकरण को आसान बनाती हैं।

अंतिम जुदाई-जैतून का तेल शोधन

इस चरण में प्रयुक्त मशीन तेल विभाजक है। जुदाई की सफलता जैतून के तेल के विशिष्ट गुरुत्व, जैतून के तेल की बूंदों के आकार और आयामों, चिपचिपाहट और तापमान से प्रभावित होती है। यह स्पष्ट है कि घटकों को अलग करना आसान है क्योंकि उनके विशिष्ट गुरुत्व में अंतर बड़ा होता जा रहा है। इसी समय, जैतून के तेल की बूंदें जितनी बड़ी होंगी और तरल चरण की चिपचिपाहट जितनी कम होगी, जुदाई उतनी ही आसान होगी। तापमान के संबंध में, यह सच है कि यह जितना अधिक होता है, उतना ही यह अलगाव का पक्ष लेता है, लेकिन यह उत्पाद की गुणवत्ता को कम करता है।

जैतून के तेल के निष्कर्षण को सुविधाजनक बनाने के लिए कई शोधकर्ताओं द्वारा जिस प्रविधि का परीक्षण किया गया है, वह पेक्टिनोलिटिक एंजाइम का उपयोग है। उन्होंने जैतून के तेल की ऑक्सीकरण स्थिरता में वृद्धि और वाष्पशील में समानांतर वृद्धि देखी।

Finally , to keep the floating stuff , filtration can be used as in the image below . _ _ _ _ _


Photo from the olive mill where "Cleo" olive oil is produced


Kyritsakis, A., Olive Oil, published by  CCITY PUBLISH , Thessaloniki, 2007

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