Papaya Grading
Grading: After pre-grading, washing, and fungicide treatment, the papayas are left to dry and then are graded for packing. Grading and packing should be carried out as soon as possible after harvest, generally within three hours. After this time, the fruit should be kept at room conditions of 77 to 81°F (25°C to 28°C) to continue ripening or cooled and stored at 50 to 55°F (10 to 13°C). Fruit should be taken individually from the picking bag by hand and placed in the trays/ cartons. Take special care when transporting fruit to the pack house. Trays containing fruit awaiting transport should be kept under the shade under the trees. If there is not enough shade, the fruit should be covered with empty trays placed upside down. All tanks and grading tables should be covered with foam to protect the fruit from exposed edges; the skin of the Papaya is delicate, and scratches will result in latex exudation and staining. Similarly, if the fruit is dropped, it will easily develop bruises as it ripens.
Do not spread a tarpaulin over the trays because it will reduce ventilation and cause the temperature below it to rise. You need to remove harvested fruit from the orchard as soon as possible. It is important to pack and dispatch the fruit to the market or to place it in cold storage on the day it is harvested.
It is important to take precautions against bruising. Persons handling the fruit must wear gloves. The tables on which the fruit is placed must be clean and smooth. Each fruit stem must be cut back with a sharp knife to a length of 6 to 12 mm (0.2 to 4.4 inches). Grade fruit for export according to appearance. Fruit is suitable for export if it is virtually free of blemishes and has a regular shape. Fruit suitable for export is transferred to a different table. The fruit may now be treated with a suitable post-harvest fungicide and, after waxing, packed in a suitable box.
Storage conditions for Papaya
Papayas that are one-quarter to one-half ripe should be kept for 1-2 weeks. The development of yellow color is associated with ripening when the fruit ripens at 64°F (18 °C) or over. The color process may stop at lower temperatures, and the fruit softens without changing color. For this reason, the fruits should be stored at room temperature, of around 50 to 55°F (10 to 13°C), until ripe (soft). The lower the temperature, the longer the fruit will take to ripen. However, storage temperatures that are too low will cause cold damage to the fruit. Storing and chilling below 10 °C (50 °F) will damage the fruit. Chill the papaya once it is entirely or almost ripe, not before.
Early-maturing fruits may be kept at a slightly higher temperature, while late-season fruit may be kept at a slightly lower temperature.
Fruit transferred to low-temperature storage (10° to 12°C), when harvested at the one-stripe stage, will store successfully for 14 to 21 days if post-harvest disease incidence can be controlled.
Regarding relative humidity, papayas are tropical fruits that can benefit from slightly higher humidity levels but are not as sensitive to moisture as some other fruits. Aim for a relative humidity of around 85% to 90% in the storage area.
Papayas produce ethylene when they ripen and should not be stored or transported with ethylene-sensitive produce.
For Further reading
Papaya Interesting facts, Nutritional value, and Health benefits
Papaya Soil Preparation, Planting, and Plant density
Papaya propagation and Pollination
Papaya Plant Care – Irrigation and Fertilization of Papaya plants
How to cultivate papayas for profit – Complete papaya production guide
Papaya Plant Major Pests, Diseases and Weed Management
Papaya Harvest, Yield and Storage
Papaya Handling, Grading, and Packing
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