Arisa Thamsuaidee
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Arisa is a food scientist with a strong interest in innovative product and process development. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutritional Sciences from the University of British Columbia. She also holds an Erasmus+ Master of Science in Food Science, Technology, and Business from KU Leuven, UCP Porto, and HS Anhalt. She is currently working to complete her doctoral degree in food chemistry from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Arisa is an industrial PhD candidate and is physically based in Germany at Elea Technology GmbH, a leading manufacturer of pulsed electric field (PEF) equipment. Her current research focuses on the application of novel sustainable technologies for the production of plant-based beverages. In between her academic degrees, Arisa has worked in the food industry, holding various positions, including quality specialist, research and innovation engineer, research assistant, and consultant.