The tropical environment fitting Arabica coffee production ranges from 1100 – 2100 meters above sea level, which perfectly fits the Kenyan coffee production zone. This elevation in the Kenyan highlands is characterized by deep volcanic soils in gentle and steep slopes where during heavy rainfall, the soils are subject to heavy soil erosion (Gachene et al., 1997). Kenya mainly produces Arabica coffee, which is considered an important cash crop for the country'scountry's economy, with a global appeal due to its distinctive taste and deep aroma (Migwi et al., 2017). At introduction in the early 1930s, coffee was found to be well-suited to the climatic conditions, which features 2 rain seasons distributed between March-May (long rains) and October to December (short rains), helping in the coffee flowering and maturation (CRF, 2012). Coffee flowering is favored by the long rains in March to May, while the short rains favor coffee cherry maturation from October to December (CRF, 2012).
The rapid population growth has continued to put more pressure on available land for the crop (coffee) and livestock production, making synergistic adaptation to increase farmers' resilience to the ever-increasing climate change impacts more urgent (Velmourougane & Bhat, 2017). The East African tropics have been facing increasing frequencies and duration of droughts which has further pushed farmers into poverty from missed cropping seasons and loss of livestock from lack of fodder (Agesa et al., 2019; Ayantunde et al., 2005). Concerning climate-smart land intensification that caters to crop and livestock production for smallholder farmers, there is a need for optimization while considering the land equivalent ratio (LER), where optimal land use includes space optimization using legume fodder cover crops (Amanullah, 2016).
Climate change challenges in East Africa
Varying rainfall patterns (impact of climate change) have affected the natural coffee production cycles associated with drastic and unpredictable rainfall shifts. This affects coffee flowering and maturation (Bunn et al., 2015). Delays in the onset of the rains delay flowering, while delays in the onset of the short rains interfere with cherry maturation, whereby inadequate rains cause the coffee berries to be subject to fruit abortion without maturing with consequent economic losses (Kabubo-Mariara & Mulwa, 2019). There is urgency in looking at the impacts of climate-smart agriculture practices in relation to coffee sustainability in the face of increasing climate change impacts (Abegunde & Obi, 2022).
Climate change impacts have heavily affected the climatic patterns previously enjoyed by coffee farmers, with rainfall shifting onset, cessation, intensity, and duration, with the worst consequences being faced during heavy rains at the onset of the rainy season (Quiroga et al., 2020). The months of January to March are often characterized by dry periods based on the weeding practices on the coffee, resulting in the loosening of the soils, making them highly prone to soil erosion if hand or herbicide weeding had been practiced (Jia et al., 2017). At the onset of the rains, when the soil from excessive exposure to the sun is greatly loosened, it suffers massive soil erosion from the heavy downpours since its ability to absorb the water is reduced (Jia et al., 2017).
Some case studies have found that over 21 tons per hectare (8.5 tons per acre) per year of topsoil are lost from soil erosion impacts in the Ethiopian highlands (Gao et al., 2016; Luo et al., 2020). This leads to a loss of organic matter and soil fertility resulting in poor crop yields and damaged soil structure (Rahn et al., 2014). The decrease in soil organic matter forces farmers to compensate with heavy synthetic fertilizer inputs to try and increase yields despite the vicious cycle repeating itself (Henault et al., 2012; Ires, 2021). On the other hand, many smallholder livestock farmers are already adversely affected by the impacts of climate change with the increasing scarcity of livestock feed resources in sustaining their dairy production, whereby the coping mechanism has been heavily negatively impacted (Tadesse, 2018).
Weed Challenges in Coffee production
Different weed species pose a significant challenge to coffee production due to their competition for nutrients, serving as hosts for some crop pests and reducing the speed of operations in coffee farms (CRF, 2012). Annual, semi-annual, and perennial weeds have been the dominant challenge in coffee plantations due to the wide spaces between the bushes planted at 2.7 x 2.7 meters (8.9 x 8.9 feet) apart that allows adequate photosynthetic radiation from the sun. This supports weed growth and thus comprises a significant cost implication for coffee farmers (Migwi et al., 2017).
Many smallholder farmers engage in intensive weed control practices using handheld tools such as hoes and machetes to control the weeds. Delayed weeding can result in coffee yield penalties (Shackelford et al., 2019; Shao et al., 2021). Additionally, if annuals and semi-annuals are left to produce seeds, the weed seed bank is enriched, and weed problems are expected for the following seasons (CRF, 2012). This continues the vicious cycle that makes the farmers face the cost implications season after season (Kinama et al., 2007).
Medium-sized and large coffee estates have been using herbicides to control weeds (Migwi et al., 2017). The most dominant herbicide is glyphosate which clears all weeds and leaves the soil bare with little weed competition (Lopez-Vicente et al., 2020). Continuous use and reliance on glyphosate have already been documented to cause resistance of specific weed species, with farmers using even higher herbicide dosages in their hope of eradicating these weeds (Migwi et al., 2017).
Glyphosate has already been indicated to have deleterious impacts on both humans and beneficial species, such as bees, creating the need to evaluate alternatives for reducing these negative impacts (Gunstone et al., 2021). Glyphosate breakdown has been studied and been found that some carrier molecules, such as MCPA and surfactants, do not breakdown entirely and are susceptible to being carried by water during rainfall which is accelerated by soil erosion (Ndiritu et al., 2021).
Herbicide usage and the negative impacts on the ecosystem and farmer's health
Herbicide application in many areas affects, among others, the workers' welfare. While there are some subscribed protective clothing, most herbicide applicators do not use them (Gunstone et al., 2021; Motta et al., 2018). This leaves them exposed to dangerous chemicals that affect their health systems sometimes, even without observing them (Motta & Moran, 2020). Many cases of diseases associated with herbicides are being regularly documented, whereby a small fraction comprising some illiterate applicators get affected, and these cases mainly comprise unreported incidences (Mertens et al., 2018).
Coffee production depends on bee pollination for the successful setting of flowers due to its nature of being only 5% self-pollinated (Farina et al., 2019a). The presence of some flowering plants, including some weed species, is an important source of bee forage when coffee is not flowering (Klein et al., 2003). The need for pollinators such as bees is therefore essential for the successful fruit setting of coffee production, considering that coffee berries are the end product that farmers desire (Fikadu, 2020).
Excessive herbicides have been attributed to the elimination of several weed species that serve as a source of bee forage, thereby reducing their food sources (Medeiros et al., 2019). Some ground-dwelling bees rely on shade and protection from vegetation; therefore, bare grounds or excessive soil disturbance results in the loss of their habitat (Klein et al., 2003). Aquatic life has also been documented to be affected by glyphosate resulting from runoff from the farms during heavy rains (Gunstone et al., 2021).
Coffee production land practices and greenhouse gas emissions
The IPCC has attributed the greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture at 30%, mainly comprising the use of synthetic fertilizers, bare soils, and methane emissions from livestock production practices (IPCC, 2022). The increasing impacts associated with the emissions from agricultural production will therefore require the development of practices that reduce the overall greenhouse gas emissions as part of the adaption process of agricultural production systems (Delgado et al., 2021; Elhakeem et al., 2019).
The reduction of synthetic fertilizers application in coffee, especially as a source of nitrogen, requires reorientation and the reduction in activities that leave the soil bare, which are the main areas that have been seen as possibly reducing these land-based emissions are urgently needed (Acharya et al., 2008). Ecological practices such as the adoption of legume cover crops have been shown to increase farmers' adaptation capacity and improve their ability to cope with climate change (Acosta-Alba et al., 2020).
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