Cassava Climate and Soil Requirements

Okeoghene Sike-Ezo

Industrial Cassava Specialist

4 min read
Cassava Climate and Soil Requirements

The soil components and texture is a major constituents of cassava cultivation. Good soil supports plant growth and is highly imperative for optimum crop production. Determining the appropriate soil that supports cassava growth is key and vital to optimal cassava production in Nigeria [1, 2, 3, 4]

Soil quality plays an essential role in cassava cultivation. That is why good farmlands with good soil quality are assets to farmers. Invariably, soil quality has been equated with having a good effect on agricultural productivity [4, 5, 6].

The Cassava crop is one of the few plants that grow in any weather condition to support the growth of cassava. It is drought-resistant and can grow and survive anywhere, even in regions where other crops cannot. The cassava crops are highly adaptable to weather conditions and climate change, yet they cannot tolerate and survive where there is flooding. Cassava plants can tolerate acidity and low soil fertility [7, 8, 9]

The type of soil cassava is cultivated on determines the level of yields that will be obtained. For instance, clay and sandy soils support the growth of the leaves and stem at the expense of the cassava root development and growth. Loamy soil promotes and boosts root development more than the leaves and stems. That is why loamy soil is preferred for optimal cassava yield. This soil type also gives the roots enough space to grow based on the nutrients available in the soil. Soil fertility plays a role in the optimal yield of cassava plants. Salty or swampy soils do not support cassava growth and development. [10,11, 12]

Cassava is cultivated annually in Nigeria in latitudes between 30°N and 30°S [13]. Because cassava is a tropical crop and can survive hot climates, there is no decline in growth in the dry season. During the rainy season, the growth of cassava continues to develop and advance to maturity.

The average soil pH for optimal cassava growth and development oscillates between 5.5 to 6.5. Soils with a pH less than 5.5 are acidic and can support cassava growth only if treated with lime. Incorporating lime in the land preparation process helps to normalize the soil pH before cassava cultivation. This is a common practice here in Nigeria. The growth of cassava can be affected if there is a high salt concentration in the soil with a pH as high as 7.8. [3]

The cassava crop grows well in areas that are humid and moist. Low temperature causes slow growth and reduced yields. The common climate condition for cassava plants to grow well is in humid-warm weather at a temperature of 25-29 °C (77-84 °F) and the soil temperature at 30 °C (86 °F). Arable farmlands grow cassava better all year round. The growth of cassava can only take place in regions or areas that are frost free [1, 2].

In warm weather conditions, it may take cassava plants up to 8 months to produce cassava tubers for harvesting. During extreme weather conditions like the dry or cold season, producing cassava tubers may take 18 or more months. That is, cassava plants begin to experience a decline in growth if the soil temperature falls below 10 °C (50 °F). [12]

Regarding optimal yield produce of cassava crops, tropical lowlands give the highest cassava root production. Even though cassava can produce yields on soils that have been depleted by regular and repeated cultivation, it may produce more stems and leaves on rich soil. In Nigeria, arable farmland freshly cleared for the first time is considered suitable for growing cassava.


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