Search Results for: Pear

Peppermint Weed Control

Peppermint Weed Control

...between the rows of the plants. Inside the row of the plants, healthy mature peppermint plants normally do not allow weeds to appear due to their dense spacing (on average...

Corn Plant Information and Production

Corn Plant Information and Production

...grows at the side of the stem and becomes easily detectable when the silks (elongate stigmas) appear at the end of the ear. The pollen production-dispersal starts around three days...

Basil in pots - Basil in the garden – Everything you need to know

Basil in pots – Basil in the garden – Everything you need to know

...ideal conditions for rooting are 20-25°C (ambient temperature) and diffused light. When the first white roots of the plant start to appear, within the next 2 weeks, then we plant...


What Are Prebiotics, and Why Are They Beneficial? develop peel-enriched bakery products like cookies, bread, beverages, health drinks, instant health drink powder, etc. Bakery products have been formulated using peels of orange, pear, passion fruit, jackfruit, banana,...

apricot tree fertilization

Apricot Tree Fertilizer Requirements

...buds may not manage to grow. Boron Deficiency Boron deficiency symptoms appear with chlorosis and deformations on younger leaves that finally die. In most cases, the tree will not manage...

Tea Plant Complete Cultivation Guide

Tea Plant Complete Cultivation Guide

...will appear rusty and harden and thicken; the leaf tips will be twisted and deformed; and the buds and leaves will shrink. Control method: After the harvest of autumn tea...

Olive Tree Info and Uses

Olive Tree Information

...methods used. The trunk is cylindrical, smooth on young trees and bumpy in older, because lumps of varying size appear as the time goes by. The root system of the...

Cotton Water Requirements

Cotton Water Requirements

...days, depending on other parameters. In about 140 days after planting or 45 days after bolls appear, the cotton boll will begin to naturally split open along the bolls segments...

Mung Bean Plant Information, Uses, Nutritional Value and Health Venefits

Mung Bean: Plant Information, Uses, Nutritional Value and Health Benefits

...with maize, sugarcane, pearl millet, sorghum, and pigeon pea and produced as a rotating crop with cereals such as wheat and rice (Li et al., 2009 Aggarwal et al., 1992)....

How to Grow Cauliflower for Profit – Commercial Cauliflower Farming

How to Grow Cauliflower for Profit – Commercial Cauliflower Farming

...Besides, when little cauliflower plants appear on the ground, they become most often a feed for snails and other soil pests. However, if you insist on sowing your cauliflower seeds...