Search Results for: Pear

Cherry Tree Plant Information

Cherries Plant Information

...buds, and white flowers (with five petals) that appear in clusters during early spring. The fruit (cherry) is round or heart-shaped and of red, yellow or black color. Depending on...

Groundnut Insects, Pests, and their Management

Groundnut Insects, Pests, and their Management

...attacked appear to be burning. As a management precaution for leaf minor, spray Dimethoate @ 200-250 mL a.i. or monocrotophos @ 150 mL a.i. per ha if 5 or more...

blueberries nutritional value

Uses, Nutritional value and Health benefits of Blueberries

...fruits like blueberries, grapes, raisins, apples, or pears in their diets experienced a 7% reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Protecting against heart disease The presence of...

How to Grow Petunias at Home – Care of Petunias

How to Grow Petunias at Home – Care of Petunias

...have holes at the bottom. This step is crucial to protect seeds or young plants from rotting due to improper drainage. A common technique is to place some pumice, pearlite...

How to grow Peppermint at home

How to grow Peppermint at home

...appear. It will take them nearly two weeks to develop roots at an appropriate length. We shall change the water of the glass at least every 3 days. Choosing the...

Grapes Fertilizer Management

Grapes Fertilizer Management

...leaves, but rather in the berries. Iron: We may observe iron deficiency in alkaline waterlogged soils, with increased levels of copper or manganese. Symptoms appear primarily on the youngest leaves,...

What is Syntropic Farming, and how can farmers benefit

What is Syntropic Farming, and how can farmers benefit

...appear, but there is still a shortage of water and nutrients, and the ecosystem is able to sustain only small animals); – Abundance Systems (the stage with a great flux...

broccoli storage

How to Store Broccoli

...preservation or for particularly sensitive products, e.g. pears, kiwis, apples, plums, nectarines, peaches, apricots, etc. It is based on continuous multi-point control of stored products and refrigeration mechanisms. References Book:...

From Industry 4.0 to Agriculture 4.0: Shifting towards an intelligent agricultural decision-support system based on machine learning.

...Learning in Agriculture: A Comprehensive Updated Review, Basel, 21(11): 3758, [6] Liakos, K.G., Busato, P., Moshou, D., Pearson, S. and Bochtis, D. (2018) Machine Learning in Agriculture: A Review,...

Edible Bamboo shoot farming – A future health Food

...spear or bullet-shaped, and small, medium, or large in size. A large-sized shoot with a basal diameter ranging from 37 cm to 48 cm was often found in the bamboo...