Ioannis Gazoulis
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Chi siamo
I am a PhD student at the Laboratory of Agronomy, Department of Crop Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens. I have a Master's degree (2019) and a Bachelor's degree (2018) in Agronomy and Crop Sciences from the Agricultural University of Athens. My main research interests are Weed Science, Integrated Weed Management (IWM), Agronomy and Agroecology. I have been involved in conducting several field trials and greenhouse experiments and have co-authored more than 25 peer-reviewed scientific articles published in the literature, 4 book chapters and participated in EU-funded research programmes. I am also a reviewer for several scientific journals. I was also selected as a scholarship holder in the “3rd Call for Scholarships for PhD Students" in the scientific field of “Agricultural Sciences and Food” published by the Hellenic Research and Innovation Foundation (H.F.R.I.). I am also currently participating at the EU-funded AGrOecOlogy for weeDs: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101083589