What is Climate-smart agriculture (CSA)?



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Climate-smart agriculture (SCA) is an approach of management practices aiming to help farmers respond effectively to the results of climate change. It should not be considered as a completely independent/different system compared to other types/systems of sustainable agriculture. What differentiates it is the focus.

Climate-smart agriculture is context-specific.

In a climate-smart agriculture system, all the (sustainable) practices are adapted, selected, focused, and adjusted so they give a solution (or ease the effects) to the environmental pressure.

The Principles

The 3 pillars of climate-smart agriculture are the following:

  • Help farmers improve/maintain their yields: CSA practices focus on creating synergies and balancing trade-offs to achieve good yields under the pressure of climate change.
  • Create a more climate-resilient agroecosystem: it is essential to create a system that can withstand and easily overcome the adverse effects and environmental pressures.
  • Wherever and whenever possible, decrease the carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions.

Based on the goal and the environmental pressure a farmer is facing, the principles applied may focus on the following:

  • crop management
  • soil management
  • water management/conservation
  • diseases and pest management

Common Practices applied

Numerous other agricultural practices can be part of a climate-smart agriculture system.

The group of practices applied in a climate-smart system may differ a lot from region to region, depending on the local needs and challenges.

Further reading

Agriculture and Risk

Hybrid Potatoes – A Climate-Smart Solution for Potato Farmers

Developing new agents for climate-smart agriculture

Climate-Smart Agriculture Solutions in Rice

Strategies for Small-Scale Farmers in Tropical Africa to Adapt to Climate Change

What are the Principle, Goals and Benefits of Sustainable Agriculture?


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