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What is evapotranspiration (ET)

What is evapotranspiration (ET)?

Evapotranspiration = evaporation (the movement of water, direct conversion of water into vapor, from the earth’s surface into the atmosphere) + transpiration (the vaporization of the liquid water contained in […]

What is water use efficiency?

Water use efficiency (WUE) describes the efficiency of the plant in using the available water to grow and reproduce (e.g., in photosynthesis). WUE is directly linked with yield, and as […]

Flood irrigation systems and Water Use Efficiency

Despite the importance of Water Use Efficiency (WUE) in crop production and resilience, few African farmers, subsistence or commercial, think much about it. Their main concern, especially in cases where […]

Real-life examples of irrigation practices revolutionizing agriculture in dry areas

Real-life examples of irrigation practices revolutionizing agriculture in dry areas

Flood irrigation in Ethiopia, a success story to be emulated or an environmental disaster to be avoided by the rest of Africa? For many years, Ethiopia’s Awash River flood basin […]