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The Impact of Climate Change on Potato Production and Possible Solutions

The Impact of Climate Change on the Potato Industry and Possible Solutions

As global climate patterns shift, potato cultivation is facing significant challenges that are reshaping the agricultural landscape. These changes impact not only the yield and quality of potato crops but […]

What is agroecology

What is agroecology?

Agroecology is an integrated practice that focuses on the interactions between plants, animals, the environment, and the community (farmers). Agroecological systems have a high diversity. The practices are adapted to […]

Why Ghanaian Cocoa Farmers turn towards Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Why Ghanaian Cocoa Farmers turn towards Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Ghana, one of the biggest producers of cocoa worldwide, is confronted with growing environmental and social issues because of traditional cocoa cultivation methods. However, cocoa growers in Ghana are beginning […]