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sustainable livestock management

The Role of Livestock Management in Biodiversity Conservation

Livestock management, a cornerstone of human civilization for millennia, presents a complex and multifaceted relationship with biodiversity conservation. Although livestock management can negatively impact the environment through land degradation, biodiversity […]

What is a Silvopastorure and how can farmers apply and benefit from it

What is Silvopasture and how can farmers apply and benefit from it

Why should we plant trees in the pasture? Silvopastoral systems offer an alternative for income diversification and a more sustainable approach to livestock farming. By intentionally combining animal and forage […]

Control Nile Tilapia Stocks in Polyculture system using African Sharptooth Catfish

Control Nile Tilapia Stocks in Polyculture system using African Sharptooth Catfish

Concept of Polyculture Fish Farming Polyculture often involves stocking species with different dietary habits and habitat preferences. However, most polyculture systems go at least a step further, seeking to take […]

Rabbit Farming

Rabbit Farming: Essential Skills and Knowledge for a Successful Venture

Rabbits are considered pets in many African societies, and raring them is a hobby for young children. However, their economic value as a source of meat, fur, animals for medical […]

Feed-related Diseases or Physiological Problems in Cattle

Feed-related Diseases or Physiological Problems in Cattle

What are the feed-related diseases in cattle? Bloat In Cattle There are two types of bloat – gassy bloat and frothy bloat, with the latter being the most common type. […]

Mastitis in Cattle – Causes, Symptoms and Management

Mastitis in Cattle – Causes, Symptoms and Management

The occurrence of mastitis indicates some failure in milking management Major causes of mastitis are: Application of the wrong milking techniques Neglecting hygienic measures like not having washed the hands […]

Introduction in Cattle Diseases and Prevention Measures

Introduction in Cattle Diseases and Prevention Measures

In the past few years, there has been an unprecedented demand for high-quality meat and animal by-products such as milk. Farmers and companies have turned to more intensified livestock farming […]

Serious Cattle Diseases caused by Pathogenes 

Serious Cattle Diseases caused by Pathogenes 

Some serious livestock diseases are found in some geographical locations and have been known to result in catastrophic livestock losses. These diseases have been termed as notifiable diseases, and livestock […]

Pests in Cattle- External Parasites

Pests in Cattle – External Parasites

Livestock production practices, when intensified, create a conducive environment for the multiplication of different pests that reduce animal productivity through competition for food, especially blood feeders, while others act as […]

Training Livestock Farmers for Sustainability and Food Security

Training Livestock Farmers for Sustainability and Food Security

The world is facing a food crisis bigger than any other before, increasing the costs of living, food scarcity and malnutrition. At the same time, the crisis increases the unaffordability […]