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Harvesting, Drying, Curing, and Storage of Groundnut

Harvesting, Drying, Curing, and Storage of Groundnut

Groundnut harvesting time is very important for yield and quality. Premature harvesting of groundnut pods decreases the yield, oil percentage, and quality of seeds. Suppose we delay the harvesting after […]

Groundnut Insects, Pests, and their Management

Groundnut Insects, Pests, and their Management

Various insect pests attack groundnut crops at various stages of the crop’s life in the field and during storage. The field insects pest are categorized as follows:  Major Sucking pests: […]

Groundnut Diseases and Management Practices

Groundnut Diseases and Management Practices

Groundnut crop is affected by several diseases at different crop growth stages. It is essential that the growers know to recognize the diseases’ symptoms on time and take preventive and […]

Irrigation Requirement and Methods for Groundnut Cultivation

Irrigation Requirement and Methods for Groundnut Cultivation

When should I irrigate Groundnut – Water needs of Groundnut  Groundnut is an important legume oilseed crop grown globally during the kharif (rainfed) season. Although groundnut requires relatively little water, it […]

Fertilizer requirement for Groundnut Cultivation

Fertilizer requirement for Groundnut Cultivation

Groundnut is a legume and nitrogen-fixing crop, which means it can convert atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms for itself and helps improve soil fertility. However, it still requires other nutrients, […]

Weed Management in Groundnut Farming

Weed management is important for groundnut farming to ensure optimal crop growth and yield. Weeds compete with groundnut plants for essential resources like nutrients, water, and sunlight, reducing yields and […]

Groundnut Soil requirement, Soil preparation and Planting

Groundnut Soil requirement, Soil preparation and Planting

Generally, groundnut is grown during Kharif (Rainy) season and in Rabi (Postrainy) in the availability of irrigation. Groundnut kernels contain 26% protein and 46-50% of oil, and many other beneficial components for humans, livestock, […]

Principles of selecting the best varieties of Groundnut

Principles of selecting the best varieties of Groundnut: A Comprehensive Guide

Groundnut, also known as peanut, is a versatile and nutritious crop that plays a crucial role in global food security and agricultural economies. Cultivated groundnut has different types. The majority […]

Groundnut: Plant Information, History, Uses and Nutrition Value

Interesting facts about Groundnut/Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Groundnut is a versatile and economically significant plant that has played a prominent role in human history. It is the sixth most important oilseed […]