Blog Archives

irrigation management

Participatory Precision Irrigation Systems – Efficient Management of Irrigation Water

Efficient management of irrigation water with IRMA_SYS Co-Author: Angelika Nomikou, Agronomist, R&D collaborator of EFFICIENT WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PC According to Aquastat (a water-related database of the Food Agriculture Organisation […]

Farmers-Scientists panel on Climate-Smart Agriculture

Farmers – Scientists panel on Climate – Smart Agriculture

Scientists working on crops of huge economical & food safety importance will present the latest climate-smart agriculture ideas. Organized jointly by The Global Plant Council and WIKIFARMER. Scientists, working on […]

What is Silage, and How to Produce it

Silage is a type of forage produced by fermenting plant matter under anaerobic conditions until it’s acidified. It is used to feed domestic animals such as sheep, goats, and pigs, […]

The push-pull strategy controls stemborers and striga increasing corn yields

The Push-Pull Strategy: Controlling Stemborers and Striga to Increase Corn Yields

Do you lose your maize yield due to stemborers and Striga? Learn how the push-pull habitat management approach leads to higher yields of maize Stemborers and Striga weeds cause significant losses to […]

crop rotation

What is crop rotation and why it is good?

What is crop rotation and why it is good? Crop rotation means that two or more different crops are grown one after the other. In a crop rotation scheme, a […]

Yield, Harvest and Post-harvest handling of Maize

Yield, Harvest and Post-harvest handling of Maize

Maize Yield estimation per hectare  Depending on the end commercial use of the final product, the farmer may be interested in the grain or biomass yield of maize plants. The […]

Maize Soil preparation, Soil requirements and Seeding requirements

Maize Soil preparation, Soil requirements and Seeding requirements

Corn needs loose soils that offer proper aeration and drainage and at the same time maintain sufficient amounts of water close to roots. Too heavy or too sandy and poorly […]

Principles for selecting the best maize variety

Principles for selecting the best maize variety

Guide for corn variety selection – Factors and characteristics to take into account for choosing the most appropriate variety of maize. The selection of the cultivated maize variety is one […]

How to Grow Corn for Profit – Maize growing guide

How to Grow Corn for Profit – Maize growing guide

Introduction to Maize Farming – Corn Production Manual In a few words, corn is a warm-period annual grass used for the production of various products. To start corn farming, someone […]

Corn Plant Information and Production

Corn Plant Information and Production

The maize plant Corn is an annual C4 grass plant. It has large, elongated, narrow leaves that grow alternately in opposite sites around the stems. Thanks to its strong, erect […]