Pistachio Tree Irrigation – How to water Pistachio trees

Although considered tolerant to drought, pistachio tree systematically gives higher yields when water is available, especially during the summer months. In general, water stress promotes the phenomenon of alternate bearing. Pistachio trees have high water requirements especially during the filling of nuts (summer). However, farmers shall not supply very large quantities of water at few sessions in mature trees, because the tree vegetation can grow excessively and this can negatively affect the opening of the fruit. In most cases, farmers provide at least 4-6 irrigation sessions during the productive period in light and well drained soils.

A common irrigation pattern involves irrigating young trees during winter, immediately after planting, and then 8 times throughout the first growing season until fall (September in US). In the following years, irrigation is applied from spring to fall (April to September in US), throughout 4-8 irrigation sessions.

However, in organized pistachio orchards of United States, drip irrigation is mostly applied. The drip irrigation system must be carefully designed so that it will not incommode harvesting and has to be built before the planting of young trees. In New Mexico, pistachio growers irrigate the trees at least once a month during winter. From February onwards, they irrigate the trees once a week in order to facilitate dormancy break. They use semi drip systems within 3 feet (1 meter) of each tree. When the trees get older, they normally shift to sprinklers that are located in the equal distance between two trees, so that the root system can be developed in width without restrictions.

You can enrich this article by leaving a comment or photo of your pistachio trees irrigation methods and techniques.

1.) Pistachio Tree Information

2.) How to grow Pistachio Tree from nut

3.) Starting a Pistachio Orchard

4.) Pistachio Tree Growing Conditions

5.) Pistachio Tree Propagation and Pollination

6.) Pistachio Tree Soil Conditions and Preparation

7.) Pistachio Tree Planting

8.) Pistachio Tree Training and Pruning

9.) Pistachio Tree Fertilizer Requirements

10.) Pistachio Tree Water Requirements

11.) Pistachio Tree Harvest & Yields

12.) Pistachio Tree Diseases & Pests

13.) Q&As Pistachios

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