Partnership between Wikifarmer and GROOF
Wikifarmer is always interested in building partnerships with organizations, universities, institutions, and projects worldwide. Our main goal is to democratize agriculture; we believe networking can help us achieve this. Wikifarmer and GROOF are working together to reduce CO2 emissions.
Many European countries are involved in the “GROOF project”, which stands for” Greenhouses to Reduce CO2 on RooFs” and is nationally supported by the CDEC (Council for Economic Development in Construction) with the support of the INTERREG NWE program. It is an innovative cross-sectoral approach to reduce CO2 emissions from the construction and agricultural sectors by combining energy sharing and local food production. The idea is precisely to use rooftop greenhouses as an efficient equipment in order to :
– recover the heat produced and not consumed by the supporting building in an active way (through the ventilation and heating system) and passive way (30% of heat lost through the roofs on average) in a plant production,
– collect the CO2 produced by the people and activities of the building to “feed” the plants
– reduce CO2 emissions from transportation by producing plants locally. Thus, the ecosystem formed by the rooftop greenhouse and the existing support building requires much less energy than if the greenhouse were separate. The greenhouse itself is an additional activity located outside the building but shares energy in a way that makes both constructions more efficient.