Partnership between Wikifarmer and Promote Pollinators

Partnership between Wikifarmer and Promote Pollinators


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Partnership between Wikifarmer and Promote Pollinators

Partnership between Wikifarmer and Promote Pollinators

Wikifarmer is always interested in building partnerships with organizations, universities, institutions, and projects worldwide. Our main goal is to democratize agriculture; we believe networking can help us achieve this. Wikifarmer and Promote Pollinators are working together to raise awareness regarding pollinators’ value for farming. Promote Pollinators, the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ on pollinators was founded at the end of 2016 in response to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Assessment Report on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production. The assessment emphasises the threats that human activities pose to pollinators, and the key role pollinators play in the conservation of biological diversity, ecosystems, food production and the global economy. The first countries to join the Coalition were Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Peru, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Uruguay. By now (early 2022), Promote Pollinators has 30 member countries and 4 observers. Members of Promote Pollinators sign a declaration and commit to taking action to protect pollinators and stop their decline, sharing experiences and lessons learned, seeking collaboration with stakeholders, developing research and supporting other members. Wikifarmer is one of the observers of the Coalition. Promote Pollinators supports members in developing national pollinator strategies through practical meetings and workshops. The coalition also shares knowledge with a wider network through a bi-monthly newsletter and regular webinars that are open to the public.

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