Partnership between Wikifarmer and Pathways


Editorial team

1 min read
Partnership between Wikifarmer and Pathways

Wikifarmer is always interested in building partnerships with organizations, universities, institutions, and projects worldwide. Our main goal is to democratize agriculture; networking can help us achieve this. Wikifarmer and Pathways are working together to help the agricultural sector.

PATHWAYS  for sustainable food aims to reduce environmental impacts while addressing societal demands for safe, affordable, nutritious, welfare-friendly meat and dairy products. PATHWAYS is identifying and increasing sustainable practices along the supply and production chains of the European livestock sector.

Coordinated by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and comprising 30 partners from 12 countries, this 5-year (2021-2026), ), €9 million Horizon 2020 project contributes to the EU Farm-to-Fork Strategy, which is at the heart of the EU Green Deal.

Using a participatory approach, the PATHWAYS project will co-develop visions, scenarios, and transition pathways for sustainable livestock farming and food systems based on innovative practice hubs, living labs, and interactions within a European multi-actor platform and broader community of practice.

PATHWAYS will inform policy, research, and business strategies to support the transition to more sustainable livestock production and consumption, thus contributing to the EU Farm-to-Fork Strategy at the heart of the EU Green Deal.

In a world where the delicate balance between feeding a growing population and safeguarding our planet’s resources is becoming increasingly critical, initiatives like the PATHWAYS project offer hope. With its ambitious objectives, robust consortium, and alignment with overarching EU strategies, PATHWAYS serves as a beacon of progress within the dynamic animal production landscape.