Partnership between Wikifarmer and GASCA


Editorial team

2 min read
Partnership between Wikifarmer and GASCA

Wikifarmer is always interested in building partnerships with organizations, universities, institutions, and projects worldwide. Our main goal is to democratize agriculture; we believe networking can help us achieve this. Wikifarmer and GACSA are working together to promote new technologies in agriculture and sustainability.

“Working together to ensure that the world’s agriculture can sustainably feed and nourish humanity and secure livelihoods in the face of a changing climate”

GACSA is an inclusive, voluntary and action-oriented multi-stakeholder platform on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA). Our vision is to improve food security, nutrition and resilience in the face of climate change. GACSA aims to catalyze and help create transformational partnerships to encourage actions that reflect an integrated approach to the three pillars of CSA.

Recognizing the importance of empowering farmers, GACSA facilitates dialogue, knowledge exchange and partnerships through an open, diverse and inclusive multi-stakeholder platform, to catalyze actions on enhancing agriculture, forestry, livestock and fisheries practices and systems that increase productivity in a sustainable way, improve resilience and adaptation and reduce/sequester emissions.


The Alliance is uniquely positioned to facilitate transformational partnerships, and its value addition lies in the following core action-oriented functions:

  • Convening – bringing people and institutions together to generate or scale up global, regional, and national action.
  • Connecting – breaking down silos, building synergies, bridging the knowledge-uptake gap, fostering integrated approaches, and brokering partnerships to ensure actions are taken.
  • Communicating – fostering co-learning, co-creation of knowledge and knowledge-sharing to facilitate the development of bankable sound projects.

Aspirational outcomes

The Alliance recognizes the urgent need to act at scale and to contribute towards three aspirational outcomes:

  • Sustainable and equitable increases in agricultural productivity and incomes;
  • Greater resilience of food systems and farming livelihoods;
  • Reduction and/or removal of greenhouse gas emissions associated with agriculture (including the relationship between agriculture and ecosystems).