Wikifarmer is always interested in building partnerships with organizations, universities, institutions, and projects worldwide. Our main goal is to democratize agriculture; we believe networking can help us achieve this. Wikifarmer and Fair Planet are working together to help the agricultural sector.
Fair Planet – Bridging the Seed Gap
Fair Planet is a non-profit organization with a mission to increase food security and provide new economic opportunities for smallholder farmers, through access to high-quality seeds and training on good agricultural practices. Founded by seed experts who have lifetime experiences in the agricultural industry it collaborates with leading seed companies and has access to a world-wide collection of high-yielding, multi-resistant and climate resilient seed varieties. Fair Planet conducts professional and objective variety trials to identify the most suitable varieties for local farming practices, develops crop production protocols that fit smallholders' technical and economic capacity, trains lead farmers by weekly visits in their own farmlands and trains local trainers, who pass on their knowledge to a larger circle of farmers. The results of this unique technology transfer methodology are outstanding: within 5-years in Ethiopia,150 local trainers and 2,363 lead farmers in 65 villages were trained. Due to fast adoption of better vegetable seeds and improved farming practices, more than 75,000 smallholders have tripled their food production and significantly increased their income. External evaluation found that 96% of the farmers’ families, together more than 485,000 people, benefitted from improved nutrition, 45% used their additional income to send their children to school and 96% saved money and can re-invest in generating sustainable income from farming.