Fast Facts about Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes interesting facts
Sweet Potato


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  1. Contrary to popular belief, sweet potatoes and potatoes have a few things in common. They are not related species. They even belong to different families. Potato is categorized in Solanaceae, while Sweet potato in Convolvulaceae.
  2. The plant belongs in the same family as the ‘morning glory’ flower plant.
  3. They are herbaceous perennial vines that are usually grown as an annual crop.
  4. Some varieties are used as ornamentals.
  5. The scientific name of sweet potatoes is Ipomoea batatas L.
  6. Sweet potatoes are, in fact, storage roots (not tubers).
  7. Sweet potatoes originated from Central Latin America, and the crop has been cultivated for over 5,000 years. 
  8. Sweet potato is one of the most popular vegetables for Americans.
  9. It is a tropical plant.
  10. The commercial sweet potato varieties are classified as ‘moist-fleshed,’ which are usually referred to as yams, and ‘dry-fleshed,’ referred to as sweet potatoes. 
  11. The plants can grow from sea level to an altitude of 2,500 meters.
  12. Sweet potato is a highly nutritious food. It is rich in B-carotene and vitamin A.
  13. It can be used both as food and as animal feed.
  14. The leaves and shoots of the plants are also edible. 
  15. Sweet potatoes can be white, yellow, orange, red, or purple.
  16. Sweet potatoes with orange flesh generally have a sweeter flavor than the other varieties. 


Sweet Potato cultivation guide:

Fast Facts about Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potato Plant Information and Variety Selection

Sweet Potato Nutrition and Health Benefits

How to Grow Sweet Potatoes in Your Backyard

How to Grow Sweet Potatoes for Profit

How to Produce Sweet Potato Slips

Sweet Potato Soil Requirements, Soil Preparation, and Planting

Sweet Potato Water Requirements and Irrigation Systems

Sweet Potato Fertilization Requirements

Sweet Potato Major Pests, Diseases and Weed Control

Sweet Potato Yield, Harvest, Curing, and Storage

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