The Potential Impact of Generative AI on the Potato Industry

The Potential Impact of Generative AI on the Potato Industry

Growing smarter potatoes Throughout history, the relentless pursuit of innovation has propelled agriculture forward. Today, we find ourselves amidst a new technological wave driven by the remarkable capabilities of the so-called generative artificial […]

Soil Health and Potato Yield Cultivating a Sustainable Future from the Ground Up

Soil Health and Potato Yield: Cultivating a Sustainable Future from the Ground Up

Introduction – Linking Soil Health & Potato Production The unassuming potato, a starchy tuber originating from the Andean highlands, has transcended geographical boundaries and cultural barriers to become one of […]

Technological Innovations that Revolutionize the Potato Industry

Technological Innovations that Revolutionize the Potato Industry

In the previous article we talked about “The Impact of Climate Change on Potato Industry and Possible Solutions“. Now it is time to focus on the solution and inovation transforming […]

The Impact of Climate Change on Potato Production and Possible Solutions

The Impact of Climate Change on the Potato Industry and Possible Solutions

As global climate patterns shift, potato cultivation is facing significant challenges that are reshaping the agricultural landscape. These changes impact not only the yield and quality of potato crops but […]

The Potato A Journey through Time, and Cultures

The Potato: A Journey through Time, and Cultures

The potato, often perceived as a humble and unassuming tuber, has played a monumental role in shaping human history, culture, and agriculture. Its journey from a wild plant growing in […]

Watermelon rind

How to Exploit Watermelon Rinds

Decreasing food waste by exploiting Watermelon Rinds Introduction: The watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus) is an important cucurbitaceous vegetable grown in different parts of the world (from tropical to temperate regions). […]

Challenge of Virus Disease Threats to Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes – A Nutritional powerhouse facing production challenges Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is not just a delicious root vegetable. It is the third most important root and tuber crop […]

Endive and Escarole Pests and Diseases

Endive and Escarole Pests and Diseases

Endive and Escarole Common Pests  In general, endives do not greatly suffer from pests, but farmers are advised to scout their fields often, monitor their population, and take all preventive […]

harvest endive - yield escarole

Endive and Escarole Blanching, Yield, Harvest and Storage

How to Blanch Endive and Escarole Blanching aims to produce pale (white-yellowish) headshoots that are sweeter in taste and more tender. Blanching is usually necessary (market demand) when the endive […]

Endive and Escarole Fertilization Requirements

Endive and Escarole Fertilization Requirements

It is essential to highlight that no two fields are the same, nor can anyone advise a farmer on fertilization methods without considering the soil test data, tissue analysis, and […]