What is plant tolerance

What is plant tolerance (to a pathogen or an abiotic factor)?

Tolerance occurs when plant traits allow insects to feed on them or pathogens to infect them. Still, the plant controls-restricts the level of damage (per unit of insect/pathogen present) and […]

broad spectrum pesticides

What are the broad-spectrum pesticides?

Pesticides that cause toxicity to a wide range of organisms are called broad-spectrum pesticides. In contrast, selective pesticides attack a narrow range of organisms (bugs, broadleaf weeds, and oomycetes). Their […]

Which are the biotic and abiotic stresses in agriculture

Which are the biotic and abiotic stresses in agriculture?

As abiotic stress, we define an external environmental factor that has a negative effect (stress) on the growth, performance, or survival of the plant (or animal) species. Some common abiotic […]

What is fallow land - fallowing

What is fallow land – fallowing?

Fallowing is the process of leaving a plot of land uncultivated for one or more seasons as part of crop rotation. After years of monoculture, the soil recovers its moisture […]

What are the agrochemicals

What are the agrochemicals?

Agrochemicals are all the chemicals used in agriculture, including pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, plant growth regulators (hormones), and biostimulants. Farmers use pesticides to manage/control crop “enemies” and fertilizers to promote growth […]

Soil Organic Matter

What is Soil Organic Matter?

The soil organic matter content of a soil can play a key role in its health, affecting more than one of the characteristics mentioned above. It is the fraction of […]

Soil regeneration

What is soil conservation/ soil rejuvenation/ regeneration?

Soil, while in nature, is a slowly renewable resource. The modern agricultural practices applied not only do not allow its regeneration but highly contribute to its degradation. As soil conservation, […]

What is soil compaction?

Soil compaction is the state in which the pores of the soil become smaller than normal and this is not good. Compacted soils have smaller pores (soil particles are pressed […]

What is deforestation?

Deforestation is a human-made result of cutting down whole forests to use the land mostly for agriculture. Forest cutting has immediate consequences for biodiversity, aridity, habitat loss, soil health, and […]

What is soil degradation?

Soil degradation is the gradual decline of the quality, health, and fertility of the soil that loses its capacity to support life (plants, microorganisms, and animals). Soil degradation can be […]