Alternate Bearing

What is Alternate Bearing?

What is Alternate Bearing? Alternate bearing is the tendency of some fruit trees to produce a much greater than average crop in one year and a much lower than average […]

What is Biological Control and how to be used in agriculture

What is Biological Control and how to be used in agriculture

This extension post aims to disseminate simple and safe strategies through technical support information that allow the family farmer and/or smallholders to increase the effectiveness of Natural Biological Control in their production […]

How to compose and use biofertilizers safely and effectively

How to compose and use biofertilizers safely and effectively

The principles of Biofertilization  What is a biofertilizer? The Biofertilizer is a liquid organic fertilizer that can be produced within any rural property, with materials that are easy to find […]

The principles and guidelines for successful composting

Composting, as a scientifically proven and technologically appropriate sustainable socio-environmental technology, consists of creating conditions, and It is recommended this favorable C/N ratio around 30/01. Therefore, the greater the diversity […]

Sustainable Socio-Environmental Technologies of Agroecology

Sustainable Socio-Environmental Technologies of Agroecology

This article, of an extensionist character, intends to demonstrate why Agroecology is an economically/socio-environmentally viable and sustainable solution for all smallholders for producing basic/fundamental foods around the world, especially in […]

Agroecology: an effective alternative to prevent new pandemics

Agroecology: an effective alternative to prevent new pandemics

The current Covid-19 pandemic started with a natural phenomenon called “Breaking the Barrier.” And so, too, future pandemics will arise. Many viruses that have always survived in balance in wild animals […]