What is energy efficiency & conservation

What is energy efficiency & conservation?

Energy efficiency and conservation are irreplaceable in sustainable farming. Efficiency refers to the efficient use of consumed energy, while conservation to the reduction of total energy usage. By energy, we […]

What/Which are the renewable resources?

Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished naturally and are not depleted after (human) use. Renewable resources are sunlight, water, wind, trees, water’s kinetic energy, etc. Soil is […]

What is resource depletion

What is depletion of natural resource?

Resource depletion is the consumption of natural resources faster than they can recover. In agriculture, resources are the soil’s fertility, groundwater reserves, wildlife (fauna and flora), and different species of […]

Which are the natural resources?

Natural are all the resources that humans draw from nature and use for a variety of applications. These resources may come from the lithosphere (minerals), surface (water), and from the […]

organic farming at wetlands

Integrated organic farming in wetlands

What is Integrated Organic Farming in Wetlands? Integrated organic farming in wetlands (IOFW) is a sustainable agricultural system combining organic farming principles with the unique benefits of wetlands. IOFW systems […]


Does flower richness attract bees?

Are bees attracted by flower richness? What are the Implications for ecosystem service-based policy Ecosystem services in rural landscapes ensure quality of life in human societies. Agri-environmental policies aim to […]

How plastic pollution can affect agriculture and rural communities

How plastic pollution can affect agriculture and rural communities

Sustainable farming, also known as sustainable agriculture, refers to a method of agricultural practice that aims to meet the current needs of food production and resource utilization without compromising the […]

Bacillus subtilis

The natural dynamo sustainably unlocking soil and crops potential: Bacillus subtilis

With this article, you will learn: What is Bacillus subtilis as agricultural bioinput How it protect crop How it nourishes crops How it improves soil What emerged from field trials […]

The benefits of Permaculture for the farmers and the Environment

The benefits of Permaculture for farmers and environment

Permaculture is the growth of agricultural ecosystems that are sustainable and structured in a way that mimics nature. Mechanisms of nature are used when designing permaculture projects to ensure they […]

Flood irrigation systems and Water Use Efficiency

Despite the importance of Water Use Efficiency (WUE) in crop production and resilience, few African farmers, subsistence or commercial, think much about it. Their main concern, especially in cases where […]