Nanotechnology in Food Science: Food Safety, Food Packaging and Food Processing

Nanomaterial Applications in the Food Sector. Toxicological Assessment, Safety Issues, Regulatory Aspects, and Health Risks of NMs. The food industry has a lot of potential for developing completely new products […]

20 Plant-based milk alternatives: Information, Production and Health Benefits

Table of contents Why choose a non-dairy milk alternative? Production process of Plant-based milks – How are plant-based milks produced? Oat Milk Rice Milk Soy milk Peanut Milk Lupin Milk […]


Kosher and Halal:  How they affect Muslim and Jewish dietary practices

Abstract The Jewish kosher dietary laws and the Muslim halal dietary laws are an integral part of each religion as part of their larger legal frameworks.  However, as food and […]

egg labeling

Classification, Marking and Labelling of Eggs

What are the numbers we see on the eggs? Depending on the region and the country you are in, there are different guidelines for egg marking. For example, in the […]

egg types

Interesting facts about eggs 

What causes double yolk in eggs? Double-yolk eggs are eggs that contain two yolks within a single shell. These occur when a hen, typically young or new to egg production, […]

Poultry Egg Types

Poultry Egg Types

In poultry farming, several varieties of eggs are produced by different types of poultry birds. In these article we are going to dive more in the most common poultry egg […]

What affects the quality and size of the eggs?

What affects the quality and size of the eggs?

There are various factors  influencing the quality of the eggs: First, the laying hen’s diet plays a crucial role in determining egg quality. Hens fed a balanced diet with the […]

Eggs: Nutritional Value & Health Benefits

Eggs: Nutritional Value & Health Benefits

Nutritional Value Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein and provide essential nutrients such as vitamin B12 and choline. They are also a source of healthy fats and are […]


What are the PFAS: Sources and How Consumers Can Avoid Them

What are the PFAS? PFAS stands for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances. They are a group of more than 12,000 compounds (types) of human-made chemicals (USGS, 2023). They are widely used […]

olive oil packaging

Best Containers for Storing/Selling Olive Oil

Which are the most used packaging containers to store or sell olive oil? To protect the quality and longevity of the olive oil, it is essential to store it in […]