
Aflatoxin Contamination of Pistachio nuts

Aflatoxin Contamination of Pistachio nuts: pathways, control measures and the effect on the nutritional quality Pistachio nuts, characterized by a pale greenish kernel with a taste reminiscent of almonds, possess […]


Best Practices for Post-Harvest Safety

Ensuring post-harvest safety is a critical aspect of the agricultural sector. It encompasses all the practices and measures that must be taken to maintain the quality and ensure the safety […]

contaminant detecction

Contaminant Detection: Tools for Ensuring Food Safety

Ensuring the safety of food and agricultural products is essential to protect human health and maintain the economic viability of the agriculture industry and the stability of global food supply […]

Biofortification: A Sustainable Solution to Hidden Hunger and Malnutrition 

 Imagine a situation where you have access to food, but it lacks essential vitamins and minerals your organism needs to stay healthy. This is the reality for billions of people […]

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Food Waste Reduction for a Greener Tomorrow

As a crucial factor in the complex web of global sustainability, Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 significantly impacts our unwavering quest for a sustainable future. Its main goal is to cut […]

data management

How Data Management Helps the Food Industry

The food industry today no longer faces the data access limitations as it did before.  Now, the challenge lies in having more data than the capacity to analyze and extract […]

plant proteins

Plant Proteins: The Green Revolution in Nutrition and Sustainability

Nowadays, with increasing the consideration of both personal health and environmental sustainability, plant proteins have emerged as an important aspect in a nutritional and ecological revolution. With the demand for […]

Bacillus cereus

Bacillus cereus Infection: Causes, Symptoms and Control

Bacillus cereus is a facultative anaerobic type of bacteria that can produce harmful toxins (endospores). This bacterium is resistant to high temperatures and can lead to food poisoning. Most individuals […]


How to use sustainable practices in the food chain

In order to minimize environmental effect, conserve resources, and promote a healthier and more resilient food system, sustainable practices must be used throughout the entire food chain. In order to […]

Big Data in Food

Using Big Data To Transform the Food Service Industry

The food service industry is an ever-evolving sector of the global economy that incorporates all aspects of food production, distribution, and consumption. It includes a wide range of businesses, from […]