manuka honey

Manuka honey

Manuka honey is a type of honey produced in New Zealand by bees that collect nectar from the Manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium). It is known for its unique antibacterial properties […]

Honey Legislation: Parameters, Criteria & Limits

What you need to know to sell your honey in the local and global market In order for beekeepers to sell their honey products in the market, they need to […]

Honey Produced in Forests and Meadows

What is forest honey? There are two ways to use the term “Forest Honey”. Forest honey is a type of honey produced by bees by collecting nectar from a diverse […]

food waste

Augmenting the Role of Innovation for Sustainable Agri-food Systems

Prelude It is estimated that the global population’s growth is expected to reach near 10 billion by 2050 (1), and to feed this growing population, global food production needs to […]

Cell-cultivated meat advantages and challenges ahead

Advantages to consider Cell-cultivated meat has several advantages, making it an attractive alternative to conventional meat. These include: Environmental Sustainability: Cell-cultivated meat has the potential to reduce the environmental impact […]

What are mycotoxins in food and feed? 

What are mycotoxins in food and feed? 

What are the implications for animal productivity, feed security and human health?  How can nanotechnology be used to prevent and eliminate mycotoxin contamination in the food and feed supply chain?  […]

Catechins in Tea

Catechins in Tea

Lately, beneficial compounds for health have been known to be found in unusual foods produced in remote places. This is not the case with catechins, highly healthful compounds abundant in […]

Cellular Agriculture – Cultivated Meat

Cellular Agriculture – Cultivated Meat

The food systems that feed the Global North depend on industrial agriculture, intensive livestock farming, and monocropping, and their global reach is growing. These methods alone will not be able […]

Blockchain in the agri-food supply chains - How is Blockchain being used in agriculture

Blockchain in the agri-food supply chains – How is Blockchain being used in agriculture?

“The Blockchain will change everything more than the Internet has”, B. Pierce.  A revolution within the agrifood industry and its supply chains.  What is Blockchain Technology? You’ve likely heard a […]

Food Additives and their Impact on Children

Food Additives and their Impact on Children

Food additives comprise a vast orchestra of substances, each playing a specific role in shaping the food we consume. Preservatives guard against spoilage, antioxidants extend shelf life, emulsifiers blend ingredients, […]