Food Fraud in Spices and Herbs 

Food Fraud in Spices and Herbs 

Herbs and spices are the backbone of any great food (Picture 1). They not only give dishes their distinct flavours, but they may also confer health benefits when consumed in […]

Food Fraud in Olive Oil

Olive oil food fraud refers to the intentional misrepresentation or adulteration of olive oil in order to deceive consumers or increase profits. Olive oil is a high-value product and is […]

honey fraud

Food Fraud in Honey and Maple Syrup

Food fraud in honey refers to the intentional adulteration or misrepresentation of honey products in order to deceive consumers or increase profits. There have been several high-profile incidents of honey […]

food fraud

Food Fraud (Economically Motivate Adulteration – EMA) in food

Food fraud isn’t just an economic issue; it can also lead to health problems. Economically motivated adulteration (EMA) occurs when a valuable ingredient or part of a food is intentionally […]

Using Food Waste to make a difference – How to reduce and reuse Food Waste

Using Food Waste to make a difference – How to reduce and reuse Food Waste

According to the NRDC, more than 40% of food grown in the U.S. is wasted. Globally, that figure is more than 33%. And it’s a sobering thought to consider that all […]

honey nutritional value

Interesting Facts About Honey – Honey nutritional value

Interesting facts about honey Honey is a sweet, viscous liquid produced by honeybees. It is a natural sweetener used for thousands of years as a food, medicine, and sweetener. Honey […]

orange blossom honey

Orange (Citrus) blossom honey

Orange (citrus) blossom honey is a monofloral honey primarily produced by bees that collect nectar from orange tree blossoms. Orange blossom honey is popular where orange groves are abundant. It […]

Honey Types and their Characteristics

There are many species of honeybees, and each species can produce honey with unique characteristics. However, the most commonly consumed types of honey come from the European honeybee (Apis mellifera), native to […]

Which Factors Affect Honey Quality

Quality Attributes of Honey  It’s important to note that the appearance of honey can be an indicator of its quality, but it’s not the only factor to consider. Several quality […]

thyme honey

Thyme honey

Thyme honey is one of the most appreciated honey around the world and the most popular in Greece. It is highly valued for its unique flavor and medicinal properties. Bees […]