contaminant detecction

Contaminant Detection: Tools for Ensuring Food Safety

Ensuring the safety of food and agricultural products is essential to protect human health and maintain the economic viability of the agriculture industry and the stability of global food supply […]

Bacillus cereus

Bacillus cereus Infection: Causes, Symptoms and Control

Bacillus cereus is a facultative anaerobic type of bacteria that can produce harmful toxins (endospores). This bacterium is resistant to high temperatures and can lead to food poisoning. Most individuals […]

egg labeling

Classification, Marking and Labelling of Eggs

What are the numbers we see on the eggs? Depending on the region and the country you are in, there are different guidelines for egg marking. For example, in the […]

egg types

Interesting facts about eggs 

What causes double yolk in eggs? Double-yolk eggs are eggs that contain two yolks within a single shell. These occur when a hen, typically young or new to egg production, […]

What affects the quality and size of the eggs?

What affects the quality and size of the eggs?

There are various factors  influencing the quality of the eggs: First, the laying hen’s diet plays a crucial role in determining egg quality. Hens fed a balanced diet with the […]


What are the PFAS: Sources and How Consumers Can Avoid Them

What are the PFAS? PFAS stands for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances. They are a group of more than 12,000 compounds (types) of human-made chemicals (USGS, 2023). They are widely used […]

microbiological risks in fruits

Microbiological risks in fruits and vegetables

Although microbiological food outbreaks have historically been related to animal-origin products, the reality is that cereal, fruits, and vegetables are responsible for many food safety alerts. Contaminated foods or beverages […]

food allergens

Allergens in food

What are the major allergens in food? Allergens in food are substances that can trigger an allergic reaction in individuals. Food allergies are abnormal responses to food. The immune system […]

biological hazards in food

Biological Hazards in Food

Which are the biological hazards in food? Biological hazards occur when hazardous or pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products, toxins are introduced to food and thus pose a food safety […]

Physical food hazards

Physical Hazards in Food

What are the types of Physical Hazards in Food? Physical hazards in food can be categorized as either foreign materials that are accidentally introduced during production (such as metal fragments […]