critical control points

What are the Critical Control Points (CCP’s) in food production

Critical Control Points (CCPs) refer to specific stages in the food production process where control measures can be applied to prevent or reduce hazards that could pose risks to food […]

cross contamination


Cross-contamination occurs when harmful microorganisms or contaminants are transferred from one surface or food item to another, leading to the spread of pathogens and compromising food safety. This can happen […]

Use by date

Use By date 

The “Use By Date” on food packaging indicates the last date the product should be consumed for safety reasons. It is based on scientific testing and analysis conducted by the […]

expiration date

Expiration date

The expiration date (or expiry date) on food packaging indicates the last date on which a product is recommended for consumption or use. Consuming or using a product after its […]

best before date

Best before date 

The “Best Before Date” can be found on food packaging. It indicates the recommended period during which the product is expected to retain its optimal quality, flavor, and nutritional value […]

food traceability

Food traceability

Food traceability refers to the ability to track and trace the movement of food products and their ingredients throughout the entire supply chain. It involves recording and documenting the origin, […]

food recall

Food Recall

A food recall refers to the actions taken by manufacturers or authorities to remove food products from the market due to safety concerns. This can include contamination, allergens, mislabeling, or […]

Food chain

Food Chain

A food chain is a representation of the transfer of energy and nutrients in an ecosystem. Each organism is consuming the previous one and being consumed by the next. It […]

food supply chain

Food Supply Chain

The food supply chain refers to the network of activities, processes, and resources involved in producing, processing, distributing, and consuming food products. It includes various stages (from the cultivation of […]

food hygiene

Food Hygiene

Food hygiene refers to the implemented practices and measures to ensure the safe and sanitary handling, storage, and distribution of food products. It involves maintaining cleanliness, preventing contamination, and minimizing […]